BUILD:1993 Toyota HDJ80 - 1hdT, 5 Speed, 3x Locked, LHD. My dream vehicle!


Finally! I went to a custom hose fitting shop (hose man inc) and they helped me get the correct fittings for the secondary fuel filter / water separator. I ran from tank, to Racor, to OEM filter. Works great! No more air getting in! I also painted the housing with black chassis paint so it looked just a little more OEM and refreshed.

22E87539 9A4F 4637 A733 F394C0C52055

E8107AAE D6F6 4FA6 8879 0816D9937632

77D68696 0176 477A AD91 50648FD2FC04

76933023 6A0F 434F B8F1 3BC3E01B0BA0


finally got around to fully deleting the ABS and LSPV on Duke.

The axles and control arms are now clean from any wiring looms Thanks to @NLXTACY (wits end) and the awesome plugs that takes the sensors place. The ABS pump is out of the engine bay, freeing up space And weight. The brakes perform better than they ever have!

I also installed SLEE extended braided SS brake lines (chassis to axle only).

Overall, it was a painless easy job. A couple flare fittings on the brake lines proved tricky. I broke 2 bolts on the bracket of the LSPV, so i ended up cutting the whole thing off with a Dremel.

DB375E54 1937 4FD2 9047 F0E516FF3E4C

7AAA03B3 AB2C 4BC7 A156 8466970183B0

F322226F 9E2B 4F81 AAEB 5D979F6A789C

6003496B 712B 4797 9014 CE2601D5DE86

35D56CC8 5ADA 42FB 8623 5568085DB0FD


TLC import connection
Next in line was the coolant flush:

It went smoothly. I ran prestone coolest flush additive and distilled water through the system 3 times before topping off with Prestone concentrate (60-70%) and distilled water.

We then took a trip to Alabama Hills in CA, camped, had a great time. When we parted back at home I noticed a somewhat major coolest leak... F@CK! After investigating, it seemed at thought water pump gasket had failed after the flush...

I ran to specter off-road which is luckily down the street from me and snagged a new water pump, seals, gaskets, and a new timing belt kit (Since i would have to remove it anyways to get to the water pump)

After a couple of days of work, all was well! I tore my hands and arms to shreds trying to get the tension spring back on... UGH.

Only picture I took during the process...


My workspace... No power tools. Simple simple.


Everything is running and working beautifully. Started right up with the new water pump and timing belt. YAY!
after replacing about 40 1HDT timing belt and water pump,ive a trick to install the timing belt tensioner,you install the tensioner and spring,put the timing belt on the injection pump and camshaft pulley,then you use a 12" screw driver from the left side,rest the screw driver on part of the bolt and push the pulley and spring until you can push the timing belt over the pulley,hard to explain,i also dont have to take the valve cover off,made a special tool to hole the camshaft pulley and loosen the bolt before i take tbelt off and can torque the bolt with the tool holding the campulley.

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