Well, I ended up running into problems. While test fitting the top on Wednesday I think it was, I messed up and didn't have enough support which ended up with the top sliding sideways. It messed up the front sections to the point I'd have to cut it out and redo a lot of my work. I also notice a shaping issue with one side not really matching the other. While on the ground it looks ok, but while on the van it was pretty obvious. (the side with the cut out door area was sticking out way too much).
This can all be fixed, but it will require me to build a actual jig of some sort to better hold the top and allow me to actually glass it from the inside instead of all this piecing things together.. Due to this, I decided to go pick up the other top I saw at the pick & pull. I have a dead line to get my van done and the original top is going to take me a bit of time to get it right, time I just don't have honestly.
The other top is already tall enough, it just needs to be shortened and the rear door area filled in. With that in mind I went Thursday and pulled the other top, so this topic will now side step to me rebuilding the new top.
This top was a lot lighter and after doing the 1st one this one we pulled off in just 2 hours.
I cut it in half toward the rear to avoid some of the roof supports..
Here is a profile picture of the top ready to be fiber-glassed back together. This top being lighter means it's a little more wobbly making it much, harder to get aligned back together. I spent several hours trying to get it back together on Fri and didn't get it done until today.
After a lot of frustration, doing then redoing, it finally looked pretty good.
I wanted to glass it from the inside first, but with all the problems this gave me getting it aligned back together, I opted to do a single layer of glass on the outside first. This is where the new top is at status wise. I just glassed the outside and will wait till it cures so I can flip it over and do the actual strengthening from the inside.
I didn't really like the big bulky top, but this one will get me on the road faster and it will actually give me a lot more room inside.