funny side note on superglue. originally invented for would care during WW1 or 2, cant remember, but it was found that the glue had TONNS of toxins in it. imo buy the medical first aid glue... if you can find it. i tried and its dang near impossible because any medical professional will tell you, you should be doing anythign exept getting to a docter 
as far as the sugar and petro jelly goes. ive seen this before. i would not reccomend it for fresh burns as it will trap heat in but for lacerations or burns that are days old and fully cooled it does work quite well. but you have to flush it and clean it regularly. not that you wouldnt be anyways. for me, im a big fan of just cooling it off with water, and then using neosporin or somethign of the like and some 2nd skin. great stuff and has 100000x uses.
thats my .02
as far as the sugar and petro jelly goes. ive seen this before. i would not reccomend it for fresh burns as it will trap heat in but for lacerations or burns that are days old and fully cooled it does work quite well. but you have to flush it and clean it regularly. not that you wouldnt be anyways. for me, im a big fan of just cooling it off with water, and then using neosporin or somethign of the like and some 2nd skin. great stuff and has 100000x uses.
thats my .02