All right I'll bite -
Talk me into ponying up for real Bushwacker OE style flares for my '15 Ram 1500 vs. what's on Ebay - I hope this isn't a rude question but if I can be convinced $460 buys a truly better product I'm in. Otherwise Ebay's killing that price on a product that visually appears the same, and without a physical showroom to touch-and-feel the products side by side all I can do is ask.
(puts sales guy hat on) ...
First of all, there's the fit and finish. We laser measure all of our applications to ensure the product fits as it should. We've invested in a tool that scans a vehicle's sheet metal to make sure we get every crease, bump, and curve into our molds. Our molds are made on-site here in Portland to ensure quality control, too. These are not copies we're buying from someone else, these are the originals. The eBay knock-offs are just that: copies, usually of our products. We're investing the time and money to make these fit and look right.
Secondly, our material is Dura-Flex® 2000 ABS, which is a 100% UV-protected—we put a lot of effort into choosing the right plastics for our products, since it's our bread and butter. This means that if you leave your flares black, they're not going to turn white. Ever seen an old Jeep TJ with white bumpers and flares? That is
not a UV-protected product. Ours will not do this. The flares are also easily paintable, if you so choose.
The flares are easy to install and use factory-grade fasteners, so they're going to be securely affixed to the vehicle.
Our flares are made in Portland, Oregon USA and carry a limited lifetime warranty. Should you need it, we also have outstanding customer service.
We have been making flares since 1967, and I'd say we're pretty darn good at it.
- Andy