I own a 2010 FJ with a M6 trans, I bought it used with 21k miles in Jan 2013, I didn't know anything about FJ's., fact I was more of Jeep guy (I've owned various years Cherokees and Commanders), test drove both, a 2013 Jeep Wrangler unlimited Sahara with the M6 trans, and just by chance, my brother in law told me to test an FJ cruiser. lol, needless to say, I took home the FJ, zero issues with it after 70k miles on the clock now, ZERO, and I have done nothing to it other than to add fuel, changed engine oil, and diff fluids, plus add mods to it and give it hell in most trails in Southern California, and i'm not driving it exactly around flat roads and dirt, I've done some black diamond trails around Big Bear and surrounding areas, sure it's not a Rubicon, but it's a lot more capable than what you think it is, it's my DD too, so it goes from the trails Sat or Sunday whether I go along or take the family with me, to the vehicle that drives me to the office back and forth Monday through Friday, (130 miles daily commute, and no, I don't care about having a Prius to do this

) it doesn't squeak, it doesn't wander, all it needs is a wash and gas to go from Weekend family/self toy hauler to DD hauler, it's the most capable/reliable vehicle I've ever owned, plus not many vehicles shared the resale value the FJ has, if you want to read current and more accurate reviews about FJ's, i'd suggest to read the FJcruiser forums, or the FJC forums, especially what we think as an offroad community about the "blind spots", and all the other reviews out there from magazines or 3rd party individuals where it seems the term "Offroad vehicle" for them is more of a matter whether they're going to park the truck in the tarmac or the in the dirt when they take their kids to play soccer.
The only issue I see with this vehicles that wouldn't make it exactly a capable overlander rig in stock trim is the full tank capacity. it's only 19 gallons, and you get the low fuel light at around 15 gallons, don't ask me way Toyota gave us that light 4 gallons before empty when in other vehicles that seems to happen at around 2 gallons. Since mine is AWD, mpg are a little higher compared to the auto equipped model, so driving by myself with 33" tires, around 200lbs more of steel plates underneath that I've installed myself using factory mounts without a single need for a weld, and lifted around 2.5-3", I get 240-270miles per tank. As most overlander rigs, things can be modified to suite whatever needs you have, There is a lot of aftermarket here in the States that covers everything you need from suspension to armor, to lights, to roof racks, to storage, to anything else you can think off you'll need in this rig to cover trails and do overlanding or anything really you want to do out of conventional roads, You won't even believe how easy is too work on this vehicles to add aftermarket stuff to it, it's like Toyota thought people were going to go crazy equipping this vehicles for anything out there, granted, parts are not as cheap as the ones you'll find for a Jeep, but the aftermarket is plenty, fit and quality are top notch from reputable vendors, and there is a lot of bolt-ons from Armor to suspension and lot of other mods that doesn't require any welding whatsoever.
I want to start equipping mine for a little bit more overlanding in mind,and the reason I joined the forum a year ago, but it won't be a full expedition vehicle, at least for now, , it's not easy because we're a family of 5, with 3 little kids, so eventually we well need more space as the kids will start demanding more leg space, i'm 6.0, same as my wife, and our kids won't be exactly average height either

, i'm keeping this vehicle for a big while, my intentions are forever, so I'm currently looking at a Dodge Power Wagon, or Ford SVT Raptor. In a couple of years i'll decide, for now, i'll keep enjoying my vehicle with blind spots, and the new one, that it brakes with ARB bumpers on some jumps ??, lol. You're more than welcome to read the FJcruiser forums, and see the list of "horrors" for yourself hahaha.
I could count with my fingers the list of well known issues, and mine don't have not even one of them.
Here is min getting ready for some family action
CAM01379 by
SilverFJ RSM, on Flickr
Not my pic, but this is our adopted trail in Big Bear, and we go though it in comfort
079 by
SilverFJ RSM, on Flickr
And not monster Teraflex Rubicon suspension, but some OME L shocks can give you some nice flex in the back with properly matched springs, for some nice extra travel with factory sway bars on, i'll gain more without the rear sway bar, but I do like to hit 80mph from time time, and still ride like a Caddy inside or outside the trails.
IMG_0578 by
SilverFJ RSM, on Flickr
Have fun with your FJ search, people often don't know what an FJ is and how capable they're until they own one, yes you might get somebody here and there with regrets, that's like 1% of the population who owns one. check the FJ forums, see how many repent, perhaps this would give you the little push in the back you need to join an awesome community.
Good luck.