Buyer beware - MVT Offroad

Not sure if this is the correct section for this post but I want to give a heads up on buying overland gear from a company called MVT Offroad.

I was looking for molle panels online and i stumbled upon this company with exactly the size panel I was looking for (in stock) and unfortunately purchased it through there site last month without checking references. They billed my card and the panel has not moved from the shipper at all since then. I have contacted the company over and over again and they have completely ignored any request on an update on whats going on and now my hard earned money is gone.

Just a friendly heads up so no one else gets taken advantage by this company.


Interesting. Pretty legit website. Who here is close to 6987 Cottonwood St Suite B, Midvale, UT 84047

That is what Google lists as their address.
Interesting. Pretty legit website. Who here is close to 6987 Cottonwood St Suite B, Midvale, UT 84047

That is what Google lists as their address.
I though the same looking through there site, but the address confirms my suspicions it looks like someones apartment?


Active member
Sorry to hear. If you have not, you can always contact your card provider if you don’t get the items and a response.

Might be a home business that drop ships some purchases.
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Sorry to hear. If you have not, you can always contact your card provider if you don’t get the items and a response.

Might be a home business that drop ships some purchases.

Thanks for the suggestion ill go through my bank and see what they can do.
looks like he has pissed off quite a few people yikes, guess i'm lucky i'm only out $80 or so....what a piece of work this guy!


You got pretty lucky if it was $80. When I learned my hard lesson it was $800 and the shifty morons dragged it out long enough that my bank wouldn’t do a chargeback. I suggest you hold onto the anger this situation creates and use it to fuel suspicion of all future online and even some in-person transactions. You will be a more savvy consumer as a result.


sorry for the frustration and loss. Yeah, I joined the same club a couple years back. I've learned that the lowest or "best" price doesn't mean I'll actually get the product. I'm OK paying more for the peace of mind.

MVT has come across my feed on IG. You may consider posting a warning there too.


Kapitis Indagatoris
If you do a chargeback then the matter is handled civilly and done. If you wish to pursue it criminally (internet fraud), it appears your in San Francisco (Bay Area) so, you could report it to SFPD as a fraud case. Now, due to the lack of investigators, you’ll need to stay on top of this with the SFPD but it’ll be a very easy case to make (unless the P/A’s Office doesn’t wish to prosecute such a case since it is SF).
Good luck!


Active member
I've never heard of the company but it seems to be pretty obvious that these businesses are scamming people. I'd pursue a chargeback with your bank and use it as a learning lesson. Prinsu style racks are available everywhere from numerous reputable companies. Support a company that supports the industry.

Good luck
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There are some good points in this thread, and technology can be leveraged before a purchase in much the same way it is used afterwards. Some things I’ve added to my vetting list:

BBB Review
Google company name and similar names
No website - no sale
No address on website - no sale
Street and satellite views make address look like a residence - extreme caution or no sale
Search for business license in the town where the address is
I don’t cut off a vendor simply for having a bad review, as customers are finicky and strange sometimes, but I might think much harder before buying.

This all builds into one of my long-held beliefs: If your first name and business name are the same, you aren’t sophisticated enough to do business with me.
Thanks for the good points guys, lesson learned. I will be contacting my bank and doing it the civil way. At the least this thread will pop up in a search for others curious about buying from these scumbags and persuade them not too...


Well-known member
If you do a chargeback then the matter is handled civilly and done. If you wish to pursue it criminally (internet fraud), it appears your in San Francisco (Bay Area) so, you could report it to SFPD as a fraud case. Now, due to the lack of investigators, you’ll need to stay on top of this with the SFPD but it’ll be a very easy case to make (unless the P/A’s Office doesn’t wish to prosecute such a case since it is SF).
Good luck!

Chargeback and be done. Criminal charges are absolutely not worth your time for $80. Your time is worth money and if you spend more than 2 hours on this, you are wasting your time
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