Buying & Building a Medium Ambulance into an RV – The FAM-BULANCE


New member
Someone needed the VMUX data more than I did, and they went down the road before I ever got them scanned (they were physically large drawings, and I was squeaking over the per square foot scanning price I'd been quoted). BUT, it you have a Medic Master, you can still be in luck. The ex-chief engineer for Medic Master saved all the build data, and is willing to dig them out for you and convert them to PDFs. He charges $100 or so per hour, but the end result is PDF drawings of your unit that are correct, versus something that's close. I bought a full set, including cabinets, compartments, proposal, and electrical drawings, and spent about $250. I had them printed at Kinko's as B size (11x17"). You should be able to get just the electrical drawings for a lot less. I believe he can also revise the programming on VMUX equipment.

His name is Buck Bevers; his email is
He lives in Florida. He would need the build date, the build number, or the customer. In my case, I didn't have a build number, but he was able to track my data down from the year and the customer

Look for Facebook sites for people who are converting ambulances to RVs - they usually strip out the insides and all the wiring and start over. If you post that you need some VMUX nodes, you should be able to track some down at a decent price (EBAY usually runs about $100 per node). AMBULANCE CAMPER CONVERSIONS is at

As an example of the drawing detail he has, I attached a JPEG of the power drawing page.View attachment 663146
I can't thank you enough for this info. This is really helpful.


On to Plan-B....

I'd purchased a Bogert HUMMWV jack to carry on-board, but I goofed. First, it weighed 70#, and second, it took up a lot of space in its heavy canvas bag. I had thought about selling it, but then I took a look at the Bogert International web site, and I saw that they sell a conventional ram-type hydraulic jack. The ram was the same, the pump was the same, and the baseplate was the same.

I decided to keep it, and re-work it into a garage jack. The ram height will match up nicely with my axle heights, and the remote pump will let me avoid crawling under the truck to emplace it and use it. I can easily add collapsible casters to it, so I can push it into place, but that are out of the way when I'm using it.jack-1.pngjack-2.jpg


Expedition Leader
On to Plan-B....
I decided to keep it, and re-work it into a garage jack.

amazing I bought the same jack for the same reasons and rejected it for the same reasons. And I have been keeping my eye out for the other ram style. So I will be keeping an eye on your progress with this one.


Obviously, great minds think alike!

When I downloaded the manual for the ram-type jack from their web site, I saw the same parts on both. I have a mill, lathe, and welders, so I can build / modify as needed.


I've been debating countertop material. My choices were Corian, Silestone, butcher block, ceramic tile, Formica, and stainless steel. Butcher block looks good, and is easy to fabricate, but I wasn't happy installing a sink in it, plus seasonable expansion / contraction could lead to deterioration. Formica looks decent and is easy to fabricate, but it looks like Formica. Stainless steel looks good, but it's too institutional for me. Ceramic tile can be hard to clean. Corian is expensive.

Lots of choices, and each had good and bad. My decision was made this weekend when I found a neighbor was re-doing his kitchen, and was removing a Corian couhtertop with a built-in bar sink and faucet. The countertop is now in my garage. I'll adjust my layout a little, but it will work perfectly!275723804_10102063026829892_73046761007191004_n.jpg275714917_10102063026834882_3312873500104315810_n.jpg


If I park it in my garage just right, I can open the front-tipping hood. That's the goal, but I also want to be able to close the garage door. I'd thought about a laser on the ceiling or something equally unique - but installing and adjusting it would be a big PITA. Then, I realized there was another approach -- instead of having something mounted on the garage, why not mount something on the ambulance? After a few minutes digging, I found a laser level at Amazon for about $15. I made a window mount for it, and it works great. It sits on the edge of the window, and I adjust it forward-backward until the beam just touches the edge of a small mirror. I can see the beam in daylight, and then all I have to do is drive forward/backward until the beam hits my mark. Perfect!DSCN5891.JPGDSCN5892.JPGDSCN5894.JPGDSCN5896.JPG


I suddenly realized my batteries were seven years old! Time for four new Group 31 truck batteries. OUCH! Prices have risen - even with the maximum discount I could weasel out of NAPA, they still ran $500. The old ones didn't look bad, but I didn't trust them anymore.DSCN6043.JPG


I looked at modifying the ram from the HUMMWV into a jack, but found that it was too long to fit under the axles. I remembered that I had an OTC air operated hydraulic pump in the garage, so I bought a 4" stroke ram for $90. End result - a compact, air operated jack. I still have to weld up a wide base for the ram to increase its footprint for better stability - probably about 5x7". Since the ram is 2.75" OD, I'm going to use some 3.25 x 2.75" steel tubing with some set screws to hold the ram



Moving right along..... I finally realized that even though using a jack could be made easier, it would require crawling under the ambubuggy and blocking up the jack if it was short to reach the axle (jacks come in various lengths -- too short, and too tall). I saw this on Amazon, and decided to give it a try. It extends from 5.5" to 16.5", and can lift 10,000#. Eureka! It works perfectly! It lifted the front end off the floor in less than 10 seconds while being fed by a 25' x 1/4" air hose fron my 145# air supply. I only plan on using this in my garage, but it will definitely make life easier


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Well-known member
Moving right along..... I finally realized that even though using a jack could be made easier, it would require crawling under the ambubuggy and blocking up the jack if it was short to reach the axle (jacks come in various lengths -- too short, and too tall). I saw this on Amazon, and decided to give it a try. It extends from 5.5" to 16.5", and can lift 10,000#. Eureka! It works perfectly! It lifted the front end off the floor in less than 10 seconds while being fed by a 25' x 1/4" air hose fron my 145# air supply. I only plan on using this in my garage, but it will definitely make life easier

What's the part number or description (since ExPo doesn't seem to allow Amazon links)?


Look for "CXRCY triple bag air jack 5 ton". I paid $189 for mine. I plan on adding an air pressure gauge to mine so I can see just much a load weighs. The math says it will lift 7900# with 100 PSI air pressure (9800 pounds at its rated 125 PSI), so I can easily figure weights


Food for thought --- at my age, crawling under the ambulance to just look at something is a real PITA. I tried a mirror, bit still cumbersome. Plan-B came to mind. A $49 rear view camera on a stick. I ordered one from Amazon, and I found it is in focus down to just a few inches. It has white LEDs that operate at night (but the sensor can be easily covered with some tape = continuous lights). 12 volt power, but the connector matches a 12 volt wall-wart I had. The monitor's picture photographs easily. I'll gin up a broomstick mount for it, but for now, some duct tape will do. End result-I can sit on a stool, and see what I needed to see under the buggy. Work smarter, not harder!


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