

8.4 hours of continous sleep per 24 hours is what the human body prefers. There is a Rx medication that is also available.

Different people need different amounts of sleep. I do fine on 4.5 or 5 hours, my wife does better on 9. Some need more, or even less. 8 is just an average, not a requirement.


Mate is a plant that grows in Argentina and associated countries in S. America. It is extremely popular in Argentina and they drink it all the time out of a dried gourd and silver straw/strainer. I streamlined this process and just used a french press. It is somewhat of an acquired taste, more bitter and straw tasting than a typical tea. It is also vital that the water not be too hot when it is poured over the mate, this will result in a very bitter and unappetizing tea. As far as I know it is completely legal in the USA.
Coca tea is the dried tea leaves from the coca plant. It is typically consumed in the Andean regions of S.America. It has a very light flavor similar to a very high grade green tea with not very much astringency. :coffeedrink:


plus there are "other" side effects...:costumed-smiley-007
I am the biggest skeptic when it comes to herbs, etc., but I have become a big believer in the uses of ginseng.:chef:

seriously? Ginseng has that kind of "side-effect" ?

Also, are you taking just the RDA? or more?


Expedition Leader
seriously? Ginseng has that kind of "side-effect" ?

Also, are you taking just the RDA? or more?

The Chinese use it for many reasons.:ylsmoke:

Oh, and I never follow the RDA on anything. I prefer to rely on actual scientific data than government health rhetoric.:coffee:


The Chinese use it for many reasons.:ylsmoke:

Oh, and I never follow the RDA on anything. I prefer to rely on actual scientific data than government health rhetoric.:coffee:

Good idea. What scientific data is there about ginseng?

To date, research results on Asian ginseng are not conclusive enough to prove health claims associated with the herb. Only a handful of large clinical trials on Asian ginseng have been conducted. Most studies have been small or have had flaws in design and reporting. Some claims for health benefits have been based only on studies conducted in animals.


Brawndo the Thirst Mutilator?


Seriously though, I like 5 Hour Energy...they work better than any other energy drink I've tried. And I'll agree that drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep works probably the best of anything!


Expedition Leader
Brawndo the Thirst Mutilator?


Seriously though, I like 5 Hour Energy...they work better than any other energy drink I've tried. And I'll agree that drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep works probably the best of anything!

I've tried 5 hour and i about gag drinking those things.

In a normal day I probable drink over 64 oz of water.
If I exercise in the morning, I am more alert all day long.

Agree'd, but man it's hard to get out of a warm bed in the winter.

Funniest thing I've seen in months :wings:

As mundane as it sounds, staying hydrated (8 glasses of water a day) and staying active works better than any "energy" drink. Becareful with those as they are terrible on your teeth-even the sugar free ones. The worst parts are the acids.

Agree'd about staying hydrated, not so sure about the amount; 8 glasses? Maybe 8 cups....


Take a Vitamin B Complex supplement.

***FYI Coca Leaf tea is not legal in the states. The customs guy in Los Angeles made that VERY clear to me. VERY clear. Had no problem getting it through customs in Quito. But LA, for obvious reasons they frown upon that.
Lesson learned.


Expedition Leader
Fiqured out that I waste about $34 dollars a week or equal to a tank of gas on these bloody things a week. :Wow1:

Didn't know it was that bad.


Fiqured out that I waste about $34 dollars a week or equal to a tank of gas on these bloody things a week. :Wow1:

Didn't know it was that bad.

I haven't had one all year :victory:, although I was drinking atleast 1, sometimes 2 a day before. I quit cold turkey, and so far the only side effect was a headache for a few days. I will agree though that water will actually give you more energy than an energy drink. I have no scientific background to back that up but it worked for me anytime I done an IronButt ride, (not rally).

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