California: NRA Sponsors Legislation to Repeal AB962!

Dave Bennett

California: NRA Sponsors Legislation to Repeal AB962!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Earlier this year, Assemblyman Curt Hagman introduced Assembly Bill 373 related to the sales of handguns. AB373 was sponsored by the National Rifle Association in order to streamline the ability for law-abiding Californians to purchase handguns.

Now that Governor Schwarzenegger has signed AB962 into law, people are already becoming aware of the damage that it will do to California and it's citizens. Therefore, the NRA and Assemblyman Hagman have agreed to amend AB373 into legislation that would repeal AB962. The newly amended AB373 will be heard in the State Legislature in January of 2010 so we must be ready for these hearings.

All of California's firearms owners, dealers, shooters, hunters, collectors, clubs/organizations, and ammunition vendors, should be prepared to join in this effort to repeal AB962. This will not be an easy fight, but it is possible to win if we all stick together and act in an organized manner.

We, the NRA, will have specific activities that everyone can participate in during this important effort. Please stand-by and be prepared to help. There is no good reason not to be part of the team.

Read the NRA-ILA News Release regarding Governor Schwarzenegger's counter-productive signing of AB962 at .

As a first-step in this process; please contact Assemblyman Curt Hagman and thank him for demonstrating his leadership by using his legislation (AB373) for this very important effort to repeal AB962. His office phone number is 916-319-2060 and you can email him at


when I click on the AB962 link towards the bottom of the post I get

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Expedition Leader
If anyone would like to voice their support for AB373 which would repeal AB962, please download a copy of the AB373 Support Letter, sign it, and return to the address indicated at the bottom of the letter. If you can make additional copies and have some friends sign it as well, so much the better. There is also an online petition.

It's worth noting that the sponsor of AB373, Curt Hagman, has consistently been on the right side of this issue. He deserves our support.


Now that Governor Schwarzenegger has signed AB962 into law, people are already becoming aware of the damage that it will do to California and it's citizens.

I'm an avid hunter but, I've always been wary of the NRA. From the NRA caption posted by TacoDoc above, can someone substantiate the "damage". "What people" are becoming aware of "what damage". I need to know if I'm to act on this.
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I'm an avid hunter but, I've always been wary of the NRA. From the NRA caption posted by TacoDoc above, can someone substantiate the "damage". "What people" are becoming aware of "what damage". I need to know if I'm to act on this.

"Damage" as in fiurther chip away at our Second Amendment as well as treat us as if we were irresponsible criminals in the making; Folks who cannot be trusted to touch ammunition, to purchase more than 50 rounds or handle firearms in a safe and responsible manner.

Dave Bennett

"Damage" as in fiurther chip away at our Second Amendment as well as treat us as if we were irresponsible criminals in the making; Folks who cannot be trusted to touch ammunition, to purchase more than 50 rounds or handle firearms in a safe and responsible manner.


Dave Bennett

I believe it is being allowed since it pertains to this particular forum -

Sportsman Forum (fishing, hunting and guns) For all hunting, fishing and gun carry topics


*I support this repeal*, but I'm curious why this board allows political threads about guns but closed Mark's thread about DC a few weeks ago?

Makes no sense.

Hellooo Mr. Biologist!

I think that the referenced thread was only about how many wealthy folks are in Congress but nothing related to overlanding. Many overlanders on this forum are gun owners and carry weapons for hunting or protection.

Did I get it right? :bike_rider:


Hellooo Mr. Biologist!

I think that the referenced thread was only about how many wealthy folks are in Congress but nothing related to overlanding. Many overlanders on this forum are gun owners and carry weapons for hunting or protection.

Did I get it right? :bike_rider:

I'm a gun owner and support the repeal, but I was questioning the methodology of how rules are applied here. It is possible that the Fireside Chat section has rules that this sub-forum does not have. It's really a non-issue. Nevermind I asked.


Shoot (pun intended) where will I go for entertainment if this thread gets closed like the global warming one did?

PS Anyone know a good place to get shooting range permitted ammo for my new to me Mosin Nagant?????


Expedition Leader
Happy to revive this thread from the dead with some great news for those of us in California. Judge Jeffrey Hamilton ruled today that AB962 is unconstitutionally vague. This controversial law imposed significant restrictions on the sale of handgun ammunition in California.

Here's the California Rifle & Pistol Association news release announcing the verdict. The legal effort to overturn this bill was sponsored by the CRPA and NRA.

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