The active volcano "Volcan Masaya" is very cool. We went at night and would recommend the same for anyone else considering it. You can reportedly camp at the entrance gate afterward, but we chose to go back to a campsite that we had already been to at lake Apoyo (not too far away). We felt OK driving at night since it was still pretty early, we knew where we were going, and we knew we had a place to stay when we got there.
Mmm, bribing, I wa told to keep a stack of single Washingtons, for that. Is that what you would recommend?
I recommend not giving out bribes. I realize this is easier said than done, but we haven't given out any bribes to police, border officials... anyone. If you give bribes, it encourages corrupt officers and the targeting of foreigners for easy money.
The most common scenario is that a police officer pulls you over asks for your driver's license and probably some paperwork then says there is a "problem". This problem can be speeding, too much stuff strapped to your rig, not wearing a shirt while driving... anythig. They will explain that they are going to take your license and that you will have to go to the police station to pay your ticket and get your licens back. Unfortunatly they will say that the police station is closed, so you will have to come back tomorrow and it is located 100 kms in the wrong direction, but he is such a nice guy that you can give him the money and he will pay it for you and give you your licens back now. (He will not file a report and he will keep the money)
What I recommend doing is giving the officer the requested documentation (some people use fakes/copies, that's up to you). Many cops aren't corrupt and will simply check the paperwork, give it back, and send you on your way. If the cop starts saying that they are going to write you a ticket, politly aknowledge that you understand and that you will go to the police station to pay it. If they say the station is closed, we smile and say "that's OK, we will just camp at the station and pay it in the morning". If the cop was trying to be corupt he now must choose between letting you go or writing you a ticket. If he lets you go, he doesn't loos anything. If he writes you a ticket, then he is sending you to the station where you could complain about him and potentialy get him in trouble.
We will probably receive a ticket at some point and have to deal with it, but haven't yet. We have been scolded in Mexico and Nicaragua, but always given our paperwork and allowed to leave. No harm done other than some wasted time, and hopfully the cop is less likely to do it agian to someone else since he just waisted his time dealing with me asking him how to say and properly pronounce variouse words in spanish and didn't recieve any money for his troubles.