Callen Campers still in business?


Good to hear. Wish I could be around to see the whole thing go down, but I work Saturday.

Any updates?
Looks like it will go down Friday afternoon. PM me if you'd like a front row seat..haha. Spoke with Turko yesterday, he said both Callen's claim it to be a completely new camper. Maybe the ol' man saw what a piece of junk the other one was? Hope so....


Boy, that'd be fun but my wife gets off work at 3 and we have dinner plans with friends. Probably a busy afternoon for me.


New member

Well, I'm a bit nervous because I placed an order in January with a large deposit. Several trips coming up soon that I don't want to miss. Haven't been able to contact them because the phone is 'disconnected and no longer in service'. So I drove down yesterday in the morning and Scott hadn't shown up. An employee gave me another phone number but it just rings with no answer or voice recorder.

I viewed the Turko video on their website. I called Turko later and left a message, but haven't heard anything. I think Scott basically is a fairly honest guy but has gotten himself into trouble with the business in pretty bad economic times. I mean, 75% of the RV industry in this country has gone bankrupt in the last few years.

I'm a semi-retired private entrepreneur and wouldn't mind looking into helping the guy out to save the business, but it would help to at least establish communication!

I hope Friday went well for Hillbilly.
Just curious, is you camper one of the smaller ones they started recently?
I heard Fridy that the phones have been turned off due to non-payment. It was mentioned that the electricity may be next. I truly find it hard to believe that the company can't make enough money to keep the utilities paid...(did I just say that?)..on second thought.

Friday was an interesting day. Turko was there and shot some footage, not sure if it will make the news or not? The camper was there...and complete. It was "almost" everything I had ordered. It was not a completely new build as I had been told, but a completion of the original. It looked pretty good. The surface rust that I had observed on the bottom of the frame had been removed and repainted etc etc. I looked over pretty close and liked what I saw....Time to haggle!

I found out that Turko had been out there earlier in the week and had told them he thought the reduction in price they were offering seemed pretty fair. Kinda put a damper on "bargin'n skilz" if you know what I mean. I put my foot down and asked for a bigger reduction after all the hell they put me through. Scott called the old man and he showed up 5 minutes later. We went toe to toe for a spell and he increased his offer to a $600 reduction, so I agreed.

I didn't allow Scott to wire the camper to my truck nor bolt the camper thru my bed rails. I'll take care of both those things myself. Installed 4 clamps down each bed rail and got the hell out of there. He still owes me 2 porch lights (wires are stubbed out) that he should have early this week.

All in all, I'm really glad it's over. I wish you the best. Don't give up on Turko, it took him about a week to call me back.

Thanks to everyone on here for your support and advise! I'll take some photos and see if I can figure out how to post em' on here. I must admit, it looks pretty bad ***!

lemme' know what ya'll think


New member
I saw two completed (I think) frames in there on Saturday. Neither were what I ordered.

What concerns me most about putting on the pressure to get mine done is that Scott will use a novice welder (or, himself?). It would be hard to monitor that, except a close final inspection by an expert. Course, it's all moot if bankruptcy is on the table.

I would like to chat with Callen Sr. I looked up his phone # but it was connected to a FAX (wonder why.....) I'd also like to speak with their old welder who I met a few years ago. Nice guy. But long gone, I'm sure.

Glad your nightmare is over, Hillbilly, and that you are (mostly) unscathed!

(Welcome to MY nightmare......)


New member
Hello from a newbie posting on this forum.

I have watched this post and others related for a while so I thought I would chime in.
I have a Callen and looking to either modify or purchase a new camper. Like others I'm a bit hesitant to deal with Callen.
I spoke with Scott last week and he stated it would take him a month to extended my cabover because he is currently building four campers. If I wait a month he says he could do it in a week. His build time for new is around 3 months. I advised him there has been some bad press. His reply was he had some bad employees and has got rid of them. He is handling operations himself now. He says his time frame is accurate.

My options are to wait a month and trust he will modify my Callen the way I like.
I looked at the Bel Air campers:

They just did not seem as strong or well built as the Callen. The price is right but I did not feel confortable with the overall construction compared to my Callen.

I got a quote from Tradesman aluminum construction

Nice looking unit and very professional folks. But $4800 complete. Ouch!

I had my Callen sold with the anticipation of puchasing a Bel Air or Callen but I decided to hang on to it for now.

I appreciate any input and good luck to those with there new Callen builds!

I met the guy that was fabbing the 2 smaller campers a few weeks ago. Think his name is Carlos, he said he worked there in the past. He was doing some real nice work on those 2 campers....wish he woulda' built mine. With any luck they will have him fab the frame for yours?

I think if you have followed this and other posts, you know as much as the rest of us. Enter with caution is my best advice. During the first 2 1/2 months of my ordeal, there was an older guy in there every time I showed up. He was trying to get Scott to complete his camper. When I spoke with him, he asked how long I had been waiting for my camper. When I told him 2 1/2 months!!! He just laughed, patted me on the shoulder and said "be patient son". Shoulda' recognized that as a sign I guess..haha

Myself, I don't think you'd be happy with the Bel Air after owning the Callen. Just my opinion. If you're looking towards other brands, have a look at Caravan Campers. They're website is kinda' lame, but their campers look pretty good? Problem is they're in Reno!

After the bad press that Callen got, I'm hopeful they can and will turn things around. If so, I think they're still a good bang for the buck compared to the others.

Besta' luck to ya' both


Hello from a newbie posting on this forum.
I advised him there has been some bad press. His reply was he had some bad employees and has got rid of them. He is handling operations himself now. He says his time frame is accurate.

When I had my shell built in late '08 - '09 it was the same excuse. My welder quit. I hired back an old employee to work weekends. The first guy came back. Etc. Etc. Etc. He was handling operations himself then, too. With the exception of a welder. And his uncle who came in to do the cabinets of my truck. At one point he was literally crying to me in front of the shop about how he couldn't pay his mortgage, how his employees were screwing him, etc.

Incidentally, the stock hinges they use for interior cabinets suck. Supply something better.

My thought is that it always goes back to the boss. You can't tell me that in this economy he can't find an out of work welder who will kick butt.
When I spoke with him, he asked how long I had been waiting for my camper. When I told him 2 1/2 months!!! He just laughed, patted me on the shoulder and said "be patient son". Shoulda' recognized that as a sign I guess..haha

You ARE correct... It IS a warning sign... My Scout builder has done that to me, and I still don't have my Scout as of 23 months later. A street crew ripped out a half-mile stretch of a street out here and even installed a completely new storm drain system in 14 months. He can't even finish a Scout in that time frame.


New member
Yeah, Hillbilly, I think the welder I met a few years ago was Carlos. I know he's competent.

I'll track down Scott in the next day or so (hopefully) and see where I stand. I'd like to talk to the old man, though, as well.

I'll report back........


New member
Caravan does not build a cabover.
The only builders I can find to build a cabover:
Bel Air


He still owes me 2 porch lights (wires are stubbed out) that he should have early this week.



Keep in mind part of my story: one of the things going on in the deal when I bought my camper was Scott was supposed to do an installation for "free" as part of the compensation to the original owner for some things that were never delivered, even a year later.

Don't lose focus, and don't stop pestering him.


New member
Anybody have any insight on what the specific disadvantages of the Bel-Air wood-frame cabovers are (other than rollover accidents, of course)? Why are steel or aluminum framed shells so much better as to justify more than twice the price?

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