Can't disagree with Terrainist. Those lateral forces have been my concern.
Met with Scott Callen yesterday. He seems determined to make a go of it but his relationship with his Dad (who owns the business and the land) appears to have deteriorated further.
My project had not been started, nor had any materials been purchased as yet. He offered to 'fast-track' mine because I have several short trips coming up. But, essentially, I told him to put a 'hold' on my shell for now, that I would find an alternative for my trips through June, and I would stay in touch with him and see how things develop.
I asked for a private phone number so I could communicate (which he gave me), advised him to get the business phone reconnected ASAP if he has any hope at all of making this thing fly, and wished him well.
Scott has worked in this business a long time. He knows exactly how these shells are constructed and has hands-on experience in every phase, except probably the welding, which I presume requires a certified tradesman (he said his welder was coming in that night). But, as a lifelong small businessman I can say that Scott is certainly not a seasoned operator yet and doesn't exactly excel in the area of diplomacy. But he seems to be learning (the hard way).
The relationship with Callen Sr. is vital, in my view, and my next mission is to track him down.