24HOURSOFNEVADA said:My question is where did they get 75 year old wolverine DNA from Tahoe to compare it to?
From some trappers old skins?
24HOURSOFNEVADA said:My question is where did they get 75 year old wolverine DNA from Tahoe to compare it to?
kellymoe said:I got out of the truck to take a picture and two of them came after me
DesertRose said:That's a great shot - I had a attack my front tire and then chase me down the road.
The thing is, we left, right? I presume you did, too. So we're just teaching them it works! I love badgers, such attitude.
I presume wolverines are also pretty feisty.
kellymoe said:My 6y/o son was laughing his butt off watching me run like scared little girl from these guys. I had visions of ripping flesh and being dragged into their burrow. Encounters with nature are a beautiful thing.
DesertRose said:Jonathan once came tearing into camp (he never runs), his pistol drawn - clearly, he was alarmed. So, upon seeing him, was I.
"I'm being chased by a rabid skunk!" he said. Or actually nearly shouted.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" responded I, his supportive wife.
"NO - REALLY!" and then a rabid skunk came tearing into camp grrrrrr-ing and snarling and, indeed, right after Jonathan.
We had no time - he shot it.
Anyone know what happens when you shoot a skunk about 4 feet away from you?
The whole way home in the truck the dog kept looking at us like: "How come when I smell like that, I have to ride in the back?"
BruceTS said:LOL being chased by any animal can be entertaining, reminds me of this video
lowenbrau said:Apparently this photographer got a chuckle out of it. His kids on the other hand had the more appropriate response.
DesertRose said:Anyone know what happens when you shoot a skunk about 4 feet away from you?