I went ahead and got one. I know some people have said they like the wood ones, or that the price is steep, but I havent seen another on like it. If there where cheaper and better options, this thing would not be a viable project. Since I have not seen better options, $300 seems like a fair price.
I like that it is not wood, the plastic is a lot less weight, and easily washable. I can put this on my roof rack (with a cover) and not worry about it. Right now, I just have a box with cookstuff in it. this will be way nicer.
Needless to say, I pledged to get one.
My only thing about it is, they seem to have a high minimum order to get the project going, 1000 presold ($200,000). I know they want to minimize their financial risk, but such a lofty goal also maximizes risk of the project not going forward. There may be people that are not wanting to use kickstarter. And other people that like to see reviews before they buy. In other words, by using kickstarter, they may be limiting themselves to a greater market. They may see the limited support on kickstarter as a sign of limited support for the product. There is a lot of great products for campers/overlanders that where started the old fashioned way: build the product as good as you can, put it out there, work *** off. Kickstarter is a short-cut to that, and it can hurt you. Like this project, they are afraid of the risk, and it could kill the dream.
Sure hope it works well for them, I want one!!!