Is that the silhouette of a Crow on your bedrail?Just wanted to say i love the site and have some great ideas to build on. Heres a picture of my rig. Im looking to rehab a popup shell this summer.
hey bob is that a ac unit up on the roof?
Is that the silhouette of a Crow on your bedrail?
Newb to this site and forums. Have had my 4WC Hawk for a year now. Out here in the Middle, it gets hot and MUGGY, especially around the water holes, so we opted for the AC option on ours for when we use shore power or generate our own.
Met some friends for a little site seeing at Canyon De Chelly and Coral Pink Sand Dunes SP. Front to back, Stew's ATC, Ted's FWC and my XPC.
Nice looking Hawk. And welcome to ExPo.
Is that a factory installed AC?
Tacoma Envy !
That's a nice shot! Good to know there's one area left in California that cannnot be developed...the 2010 Hawk on PHC
That's a nice shot! Good to know there's one area left in California that cannnot be developed...the ocean.