Taking radios outside of the home shack is one of my favorite ways to operate. Last weekend, my old friend Zach and I loaded up some gear and went just a few minutes outside of town to an open space parking lot up on a hill.
Here's a Yaesu FT-2200 2-meter mobile powered from the camper's solar-charged deep cycle battery. We used IRLP to connect to a canadian repeater and briefly talk to someone just south of the canadian border.
The singlebander is connected to a 3-element beam someone I know built.
Here's the APRS packet station. It uses a DRSI 1200 baud TNC and Yaesu FT-470 hand-held radio going to a 1/4 wave mag mount.
Here's me ungracefully eating quesadillas from the camper stove.
Next time we'll remember to bring an HF rig. We were all parked and set up before we realized we forgot to bring one.
Here's a Yaesu FT-2200 2-meter mobile powered from the camper's solar-charged deep cycle battery. We used IRLP to connect to a canadian repeater and briefly talk to someone just south of the canadian border.
The singlebander is connected to a 3-element beam someone I know built.
Here's the APRS packet station. It uses a DRSI 1200 baud TNC and Yaesu FT-470 hand-held radio going to a 1/4 wave mag mount.
Here's me ungracefully eating quesadillas from the camper stove.
Next time we'll remember to bring an HF rig. We were all parked and set up before we realized we forgot to bring one.