Camper shell mods


I have seen alot of sleeping platforms and drawer systems for truck camper shells (toppers). But has anyone else done other mods or add-ons? I have a camper shell on my truck that I bought cheap and used, so I feel like I can do what I want with it, without feeling like I am loosing my investment.

Often thought about making my side windows lift out so I can reach inside contents from the windows. Also, thought about attaching a custom rack system to it or putting in some overhead storage to stuff is out of the way.

Just looking for those pics of ideas that others have done with their camper shells.

- fettsway


I have been planning to chop the top and convert it to a doormobile/ westfalia bunk top. I'm not too sure about storage up high though. Surfboard storage inside up high is nice, just not sure what else you could put up in the top.
You can find my build-up here. There's nothing that I would change - even after living out of it for 3 weeks and having it back there for nearly a year now.


I'm all about head room, I've got to be able to sit up, can't be trapped inside your truck in bad weather and not be able to sit up. My stuff stays in storage boxes, I can put them under the truck or up in front if I have to and as thecriscokid points out surfboards strapped up to ceiling works nice.



I would love more info about this cap... possibly a shot from the outside.

I'm all about head room, I've got to be able to sit up, can't be trapped inside your truck in bad weather and not be able to sit up. My stuff stays in storage boxes, I can put them under the truck or up in front if I have to and as thecriscokid points out surfboards strapped up to ceiling works nice.



Expedition Leader
I really, really wish I'd gotten a taller shell (mine is cab-high) and windoors. The only mods I've done to my shell are to add Yakima tracks for the roof rack. On the inside I placed picture hanger brackets under the end nuts for the Yakima tracks; I have a gear hammock on one side (I have a second I can add if needed) and hang my lantern on the other side- a candle lantern in the winter for a touch of added heat or a Black Diamond battery powered lantern in the warmer weather. Curtains are currently held in place by Velcro when needed but I'll change that if I ever get motivated.

There is a carpet covered plywood sleeping contraption in the bed.

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