Camper wall siding


Ah, the import FRP.

Find out what polymer they are using to mfg their panels.

'cause it makes a difference. Most I've seen are epoxy based, which makes them perfectly compatible with epoxy for adhesion

For panels, I've only dealt with Crane, who happens to be the largest FRP MFG in the world ;) and is what is commonly available stateside.

Also, I was talking about taping and glassing seams (on the interior panels). Not structural bonding.


Active member
Dibond or similar ACM panel boned/rivited to an frame made of aluminium angle.

You can see Cartech in France building a unit from it here.


Depending on the size of the camper you might run into panel size issues. 5x10 might be about as large as the panels come.

Insulate with some XPS foam.

I am looking into using it to build something like this.



Wow that looks nice, I'm guessing the aluminum angle is welded together. I'm ok with that although I'd rather TIG steel. I'll look into the panels too. I like the idea of having metal corners for brush and limb protection, no inner frame...


New member
Great Ideas,

I'm not sure I would want someone else to cut the entire wall set out. I would have to have all the doors and windows pre-hand. I will contact them regarding panels, A US mfg would be closer however. Unfortunately I live in California where no one is allowed to make or build anything.


I have no association but a company in California is Boxmanufaktur. I have not used them but spoken with them at Overland Expo West this year.
300 W Pontiac Way
Clovis, CA 93612


New member
Finally bought our LMTV, now to get it home.

I'm currently looking at buying an LMTV and building a expedition camper shell on it. You seem to be a litle further in the process than me, but whenever you find out what type of walls you're using if you could let me know I'd sure appreate it. I'm currently looking at using the chineese honeycomb panels as menchenioned eariler on this thread, but am not for sure just yet.
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Unless you are looking to do a multi year build, in which case whats the point if you can't use it, I would seriously consider totalcomposites for the panels. You could have the box done in a few days.


LMTV Camper Build

Thanks for the input,

Yes the pre-made composite walls are great but they start at $10,000, a lot of the expedition type windows start at $1000 ea and up. So I'm looking at just building the box myself just not sure how. The windows and doors will be used camper stuff. Ive owned several campers and never had a problem with windows. I did have a door fall apart but it was very old.

So far I'm looking at walls made from 2x2 and 1x2 steel tube and insulate between them. Floor 2x3 1/4" wall perimeter with 2x2 1/8" wall inside stringers. By the way the truck bed that came with the LMTV is the perfect welding table to make the floor, walls and ceiling and it's free.

It may not be perfect but I'm not going to the North Pole. Just settled on a floor plan so I'll try to buy the windows and doors I want.

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