SE Expedition Society
Just for last night...

Anyone ever use the "chain saw in a can"? It's like a chainsaw chain with handles on both ends and you use it like a reciprocating saw. I've seen them but don't know how practical they really are
The bunge wrapped around the log idea is great! Never seen that!
Around here there are quite a few dead trees still standing. You just have to actually LOOK for those. Some are beetle kill, others are just random dead trees.
When we find one, out comes the small chainsaw to fell it. Then the length of chain to drag it a short distance back to camp. By the time its at camp it will have de-limbed itself and is ready for bucking and splitting.
Won't go anywhere without the chainsaw and an axe or maul.
I'm thinking about picking up one of these though. When I was a kid, I used to split wood with my dad. I really enjoyed the "crack" followed by the wood splitting wide open. Obviously, I would want the longer X27.
Tenmogger brought his hydraulic chainsaw on our last trip on Thanksgiving (powered by the PTO on the front of his Mog). Between that and my maul we made a very nice stack of firewood.
The saw was so quiet that my wife didn't hear it; she was near the river walking the dog, about 200 yards away.
I don't see a use for me with an axe when camping. A maul though... That could come in handy. The axe couldn't split wood easily. I guess if I had to chop a tree down, or chop up a small tree into sections for firewood, but that is what my bow saw is for.
I wasn't clever enough to grab the camera from my wife when we started to cut up the log.I would love to see/hear that! Got any pictures or video?