camping from a kayak


New member
Pretty well the above.

1. 1 gallon good quality zip lock, no not the dollar store drek. Useful for clothes, whether clean or shtinky. Interior line with a freezer bag or ordinary plastic shopping bag. Works like a charm.

2. Bring two stoves if you can. One proper single burner and as a secondary an el cheapo alcohol burner. Then you can fry up bacon 'n eggs while having a cuppa joe on the alcohol burner. Very handy at brekky time.

3. Vacuum flask(s), whether for food, drink or both. Handy for traveling days. With hot food or drink in these you wont have to set up the kitchen for 2nd brekky or maybe even lunch.

4. MRE's?....bacon is your friend. Not only for brekky but also with pasta and rice. Dont worry about cholesterol and other assorted will be burning calories and you have to make them up somehow. For a short trip it will last....just dont leave it in the sun.

5. For an indulgence and sometimes entertainment a small am\fm\sw with an additional wire antennae, amazing what signals one can pick up in the sticks.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Wow 90 days that is amazing . Any pics?
Not many pics of that particular trip, believe it or not. I do have a lot of pics from my Alaskan sea kayak trips. I could launch from my front yard and access thousands of miles of coastline. It was a bit of a challenging place to kayak as winds and tides could get severe. But, it was a good way to go from the proverbial Kansas boy I am to a relatively skilled ocean-going paddler in short order.

It was the "expedition" caliber sea kayaking that I really loved. There's something really cool about one guy, one boat, and a huge stretch of water that is so cool to me. Load up a boat with a couple hundred pounds of gear and hit the water. Some of my days in 4-6' seas in Alaska and Baja were the most exciting. Pretty wild to have seas big enough to hide land, even if just for a few seconds.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
To the OP, as others have said, it's largely just backpacking with a boat. You can carry more gear on your average boat than you can on your back, but that doesn't mean you should. And also as said above, the type of water, and the type of boat will determine how and what you pack. Packing a 20 foot long sea kayak is way different from packing a 7 foot long creek boat or 14 foot long open sit-on-top for tropical surf.

There are obviously other considerations with regard to seasonality, the amount of clothes needed, water supplies, etc.

Since you asked...extra paddles are great, but often needn't translate to an extra paddle per boat. Groups seldom brake or lose more than one paddle on shorter trips. The longer and more remote the trip, the more critical these spares are to have and have in numbers.


New member
Been on a couple overnights on a river. I'm a gadget guy and always pack too much. We typically go in spring/summer so clothes requirement goes down. For a two-three day spare undies and shorts to sleep in. Maybe a fleece for chilly nights. If you fish, small box for tackle. If in. A group, meet beforehand and coordinate. Everyone needs their own toothbrush, but a community folding shovel is adequate. It is an awesome way to experience the outdoors.

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New member
long distance kayaking and camping

I've guided and done logistics for our own kayak expeditions and trips for 30 years. The variety of gear and approaches to travel with a kayak are as varied as the boats. I've noticed some photographs in this thread of the broad open "fishing" kayaks which I assume would be great for lakes and slow rivers, as well as the longer and sleeker sea kayaks which we've used. So, the answer to the question is dependent on the kayak being used and where. Then it's how long the trip will take.

Great write-up and thanks for all the wonderful info!
Thanks for sharing, sounds like an epic adventure I aspire to go on the likes of some day!



Officious Intermeddler
For the next kayak camp time on the water ....

For the extra gear you might want to take camper on your boat, instead of strapping everything extra on top of the deck (making your boat unstable, top heavy and more of a burden to deal with in the wind), take a page from the bikers book and pull a small “trailer”.

In the past, we’ve taken some paracord and tied and towed behind our boats an inflated truck tire inner tube loaded with our extra dry bagged gear. You can easily rubber weld a floor to it, or just use some cargo netting on the bottom to keep your gear in it. This gives you lower wind resistance, room for more gear, and a lounge chair for sitting in the lake at camp.

And yes, you’ll have to deal with a bit of drag from it....but that’s not a big deal once you’re used to it.


I have a current designs solstice GTS touring kayak, I pack like a luxurious back packer. Best bags hands down are Watershed they don't leak. I'm a rafter and after a flip in the Grand Canyon my dry bag was submerged for 15-20 minutes not a drop of water in the bag. Spendy but worth it. Ive done 2 week trips in the inland passage by Vancouver island, a small tarp is a must have imho. The new air mattress from Thermarest, big Agnes, REI etc are great make sure to take a patch kit. I actually take a down bag because it is so compressible but it will only be stored in a Watershed bag and waterproof stuff sack.

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