Can a comealong substitute for a winch?


New member
Depends on the comealong. Your 19.99 Harbor Freight model, probably not. One of these : More Power Puller, yes. MPP is just as expensive as a low end vehicle mounted winch, but way more versatile, able to pull in any direction or to be carried away from the truck to clear trails, ect.

I've had a MPP for several years, love it. I don't need it often, but when I do, it is exactly what I need.



Depends on the comealong. Your 19.99 Harbor Freight model, probably not. One of these : More Power Puller, yes. MPP is just as expensive as a low end vehicle mounted winch, but way more versatile, able to pull in any direction or to be carried away from the truck to clear trails, ect.

I've had a MPP for several years, love it. I don't need it often, but when I do, it is exactly what I need.


Did you get the cable or synthetic version? I’ve been eyeing it for a couple of years. I don’t want a vehicle mounted winch.

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gringo m

Did you get the cable or synthetic version? I’ve been eyeing it for a couple of years. I don’t want a vehicle mounted winch.

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I also have a MPP. Worth the high cost. I went synthetic myself. Safer, stronger, lighter, easier to deal with.


Well-known member
Tifor jack is an option

Stay away from Manila rope if it can't be kept dry. It rots from the inside when wet.
The answer I always go with is; the Hi-Lift can do that and all of its other functions where the Tirfor is a single application that does winch better than a Hi-Lift, but not really that much better.

Get a legit winch if needed but IMO, the Hi-Lift would have been an adequate solution and one time purchase with many applications vs. the $300 or more I would have to spend and the weight to carry a hang winch.

I train recovery with a Hi-Lift, but I start with route selection and various other recovery techniques over having the need for a winch. If I needed a dedicated hand winch, I'll buy a hydro or electrical wince and never look back. Sorry, no chance I'm going with a $330 plus dedicated hand winch in my kit.....EVER!


New member
Did you get the cable or synthetic version? I’ve been eyeing it for a couple of years. I don’t want a vehicle mounted winch.

Well, I've actually tried out both. Like you, I went back and forth between the two options for a while. I finally decided to get the 35' steel cabled version, because I have a few applications where I was concerned about the synthetic rope getting snagged/cut. When I opened the box, however, I found the 35' synthetic version had been shipped by mistake, so I tried it out briefly. If you can afford the extra upfront cost and don't have durability concerns, I strongly suggest the synthetic rope. It's quite a bit lighter, and spools up like a dream. For me, however, I needed the durability of the steel cable, so I shipped the fancy version back to the vendor.

The 35' steel cable is a birds nest in potentia, but if you are diligent with how you spool it the first few times, it breaks in nicely. I also cheated a bit by using it to winch one of my trucks tight up to a wooden fence post and leaving it there, under a decent amount of tension, for a few days. I think it really helped train the cable to spool correctly.



Well-known member
Did you get the cable or synthetic version? I’ve been eyeing it for a couple of years. I don’t want a vehicle mounted winch.

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I used steel cable hand winches for years. Sliced/poked my hands (through gloves) ,fought birdsnests/kinked cable and free spooling more times than I can remember.


I have a Tirfor. Purchased when I had my F150 as there was no winch bumper available for it at the time (2007 model). I still have it and am debating on a hidden winch on my LR3 or keep using the Tirfor.
I do not offroad as much (more forestry roads) and so it would sit there for 99% of its time.

The Tirfor and cable is HEAVY. No way around it. But that said it works well and every time.

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