Can anyone recommend a better 4 way connector?


Can anyone recommend a GOOD 4 way trailer connector that I can use with round cable? I have 4c14 SOOW cable already run on the trailer and I just need to find a flat 4 way connector to use with it... the problem I'm running into is that all 4 way connectors I find are molded onto those silly ribbon cables.

I'm keeping this trailer build super simple... more utilitarian and less custom. The idea is that if I can lend the trailer out to friends and family, I will feel better about the money and time I spend on it :) Like a charitable donation of sorts... haha. Unfortunately though, everyone I know just has that silly 4 way connector on their vehicles. Few of my friends have the 7pin... and I'd like to cater to the masses with this trailer since it'll be my loaner.

It's really light so no need for brakes, there's no extra fancy electronical gadgets on it that require 12V, there's no backup lights (thats what your spouse and a flashlight are for)... all I need are the stop/turn/tail functions. I don't want to have to go with a 7 pin and then adapt down to the 4 pin because it's just another part to fail or lose in the dark somewhere.

I could get one of those molded ones with the ribbon cable and use that ribbon stuff for all my wiring, but that cable seems so cheesy and it's not robust enough for my liking. Plus I already got the SOOW installed. :)

Thanks in advance.


Adventurer, eh?
That's actually a good Q! I was trying to find 4-pin trailer connectors, just the connector, this week where I can make my own from scratch. Subscribed!


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Are you asking for a way to make up your own 4-way flat connector or for a better 4-conductor connector than the traditional thing?


I've browsed through all the common manufacturers like Reese and Hopkins... None of them had anything like what I need, but this would be my backup plan:

Buy a pre made pigtail like this:

Then I'd mount a small junction box near the front of the trailer (probably on the draw bar, somewhere close to the hitch coupler) and run my trailer wiring into it. I'd splice that coiled cable to my trailers SOOW cable inside that junction box. That way if the end fails or wears out, it is easy to replace it. It's not my ideal situation (I'd rather just be able to put a nice end on my existing SOOW without that extra splice point in the junction box), but at least it's better than using this:


I don't really like the look of the cable that comes on that particular coiled pigtail though... that shiny outer jacket usually means it's cheap and gets really stiff in cold weather. Being in Alberta, we get cold. A lot. That's why I chose to use SOOW cable on my trailer is because it still stays pretty pliable and durable in the cold. I'll keep browsing the interwebs though and see if I can find a nicer looking coiled cable with a pre-molded end I guess.


I hate those even more than a flat 4 connector :Wow1:

This is the style I run on my truck.

Best of both worlds.

Flat 4, with a dust boot, and 7 pin



Expedition Leader
that shiny outer jacket usually means it's cheap and gets really stiff in cold weather. Being in Alberta, we get cold. A lot. That's why I chose to use SOOW cable on my trailer is because it still stays pretty pliable and durable in the cold. I'll keep browsing the interwebs though and see if I can find a nicer looking coiled cable with a pre-molded end I guess.

While it might get stiff in the cold - the coiled section of the cable should still make it flexible enough. I think it is your best option with a transition box to the SOOW cable.


I found these 4 pin connectors lying around in my shop. You can use whatever cable, and just crimp down the connectors. I would imagine you could use whatever wire with them you want, and it would hold up pretty well.

I made this to connect my headache rack lights without cutting into any of my electrical system. It's held up now for 7 months with no issue.

We've bought stuff from ManeyWire before, where they have this 4 conductor wire in various lengths. If I was redoing wiring on a 4 pin trailer, I would be using this.
1190404 4 Conductor Trailer Cable.jpg


New member
Autozone had a flat 4 prong connector that opens up into 2 pieces. The wires are crimped into the slots and it's held together by 2 screws/nuts.


Mine had been sitting around the shop for awhile before I used them, so I have no idea where we found them. This is the closest I could find.

A screw together version like nimrag said may be better though. You'll never get outstanding quality from 4 pin connectors, sadly. Wish everyone had 7 pin wiring.

Edit: I posted this first, but it's actually just a 12" lead, which may be useful to some, cause it has decent braided cable.
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