Can - Back Durability Beta?


Can anyone comment some practical experience or feed back on how a
can-back Holds up in extreme temperatures. I live in AZ and as you know the ambient is hot and the blistering sun is ridiculously hot.

The besttop on my jeeps always seem to do well seamwise and remained intact.
However i have no hands on w/ a canback but would like to pick one up for the utility and weight savings.

It would be on a 07 tacoma. Searching yielded alot but didn't specifically go into how they hold up over the years in an oven.

Also best places to buy on line or locally in Phx is also appreicated...or a used one would be fine.

thx for the info.


You may want to hit up devinsixtyseven (Sean) on here, I believe he ran one for a while on his Tundra while he was in Ohio & Colorado????


I have a guy in my club that has one on the back of his Tacoma down here in Dallas. It is damn near like an Oven and he has had it for a year. It still looks great and I dunno that he has taken it off since he put it on and stays out in all of the elements.

Robert Bills

I have had a Can-Back top on my Bantam trailer for several years and have experienced no problems in the heat or otherwise.


they always look to be in good shape, that's the thing. Are they all new or do they just hold up. Those of you from the southwest know the heat i'm talking about, it ruins or destroys anything that sits out in it.

I had no gripes w/ my best tops and i'm lead to believe that a canback is superior to besttop? true?


I couldn't tell you which is superior but, what I like about the Bestop is it's visibility due to it's side windows. What I prefered about the the Can-Back was it's frames ability to carry a load. I just decided I could build my own rack for that though.


New member
Can you even get a can-back for an 05+ Taco? I've been to their site but have never seen them listed. Don't remember ever seeing one on an 05+ either. Who knows...maybe I'm just out of the loop? I hope so, cause I'd like to get one! :sombrero:


Well-known member
Can you even get a can-back for an 05+ Taco? I've been to their site but have never seen them listed. Don't remember ever seeing one on an 05+ either. Who knows...maybe I'm just out of the loop? I hope so, cause I'd like to get one! :sombrero:

Can you even get one for the 96-04' Tacomas? For nearly a year I was calling them, each time their production date moved out further and further. The company changed owners and they were re-tooling and changing all their designs. The other issue was the gent I talked to on the phone was not comfortable with my plans to use a RTT on top. Now I realize there are several doing so (including Wil from Sierra) but they only rate them for 150lbs of load with the optional load bars. A loaded RTT with gear stowed is approaching that, add 2-3 occupants and additional gear and one could easily triple their recommended load. Its possible the older units were rated/built for more?

Too bad as I was really stoked on the design and styling of them... in the end I opted for the Bakkie Rack from Equipt (featured in Overland Journal last fall). With some slight mods it has proven pretty much a perfect option for me.


Bought mine used from a Colorado guy, it spent it's first 7 years in a difficult climate but is still in decent shape. Some seams unwound/frayed, but no tears, plastic windows still good. Color has faded somewhat, which is to be expected I suppose.

If you buy used: Channels get pretty rusty, bows also, snap hardware also rusts from inside the bed channels.

It's very stout (have leaned it against a tree on a couple occasions with no ill effects).

The new ones from Truck Candy are 'supposed' to be made from the original Can-Back design, materials, etc. as the original... and if true I wouldn't hesitate to get one. I absolutely love the light weight, the strength (150# stated capacity), protection from the elements and versatility of configuration.

Sorry I don't have any pictures of it with the sides rolled down, but mine has the windowless sides.




SE Expedition Society
I love the look of the Can-Back and how it can carry a load but I have to say that my Bestop has taken a LOT of abuse and still looks as good as new. The Bestop Supertop is quite a bit cheaper too. I have thought of a couple of ways to design an internal frame to support a rack over the Bestop for an RTT . I also like how the Bestop has side windows, can easily be put down like a convertible top and they also make mesh windows if you want to put your dog or sleep in the back.



The materials for either brand probably come from the same manufacturer, Sunbrella. However, Can-Back is the only one that states they are using Sunbrella's line of fabric.

In anycase, I've been in the market for one as well but, the Can-Back is way too much money and the Softtopper doesn't seem to have a strong support frame if I were to mount items on the frame or on top. So instead, I'm building my own for my tundra

Here's my starting point and inspiration:

Here's a quick drawing of how my frame will be set-up as.


The metal framing will ultimately be a complete bolt on process. I'm going to purchase marine grade canvas material made by sunbrella. Like on the taco, I'll start off with the top then build the sides and back piece. Those three will be made with zippers to allow for a stronger and uniformed attachment than buttons. The opened end closest to the cab will be covered with lexan. I've already started getting the materials for the frame. Once I get the main "hoops" I'll post an update or start another thread.

The framing materials I'm estimating will be under $100 (us). The materials for the Canvas is also estimated at around $100 (us). The time consuming part will be tailoring the canvas fabric.

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