A change in what the LEOs of NA need to be taught is conflict resolution . If you look at LEO's in other countries thats the part job on meeting an incident. Can it be deescalated, if so why not try that vs what's happening here which is reaching for a gun, taser, or pepper spray?
I like to think this is what defunding police is all about. Defunding is just the wrong word. The redistribution of funding is more accurate but tough to do right.
In Canada a domestic dispute often involved social services. Either calling in the request for police or joining the police at their request. A complicated, expensive but effective process, Budgets and politics interfered and we end up expecting police to be social workers, negotiators descalating domestic conflicts. We built in failure. We overloaded the police expecting them to do it all. We need to separate those functions.
For those thinking defunding police means spending less money, no, guaranteed defunding police will not save money but it will make your community safer. It will relieve stress on the police. It will deescalate conflicts before deadly force becomes the only option.
We might think why should I care, just don't break the law.... and that will work until your son, niece. father, breaks and does something stupid, altho they will believe that stupidity was their only choice. 50% of crime, criminals are acts of desparation. Very few serious life threatening crimes are conscious premeditated coherent acts. If we expect police to deal with mental health or social or family or economic distress, not only will more people die, we will not understand the issues we as a society need to address. Our culture is far from perfect. When we make mistakes, we need to find and correct the reason.