Canadians... What's it really like?


Autism Family Travellers!
Viggen, Just move to Newfoundland, somewhere in central or the west coast, and the only thing you will worry about is what you are going to do today. There are very few bear attacks here, (only black bears), no wolves per se, Crime is pretty well drunk driving and petty theft from unlocked cars. It truly is gods country here. Plus the THOUSANDS of KMs of wilderness. Its a great place to live.


Spent countless nights and days in the backcountry, no need for a gun. Bears around towns and campgrounds...thats where you find problem bears that have become accustomed to humans and their waste.

For someone used to the security of being armed, I get that you'd feel unsafe without a gun. Being a guy who has never carried I can honestly say its simply not required in Canada. Bears are more afraid of humans than humans are of bears. People dont carry so there is no threat there. A weird concept unless you are used to it I suppose.

What freaks me out is going to the US and knowing everyone is packing a gun...humans with guns make me nervous...not bears.

So nobody is ever stabbed in Canada? There are no violent crimes or murders in Canada? Wow....what a Utopia!

Do people with hammers make you nervous? Do people with knives make you nervous? How about baseball bats?


So nobody is ever stabbed in Canada? There are no violent crimes or murders in Canada? Wow....what a Utopia!

Do people with hammers make you nervous? Do people with knives make you nervous? How about baseball bats?

Nah we just have 1/10 of the population in a bigger space, all the same problems just less of them. Like everywhere else where you live and what you do matters. We have a high rate of gang violence again in Vancouver, 80 or so deaths I think this year, but I don't live that life style so I don't think about much. A hour to hour and 1/2 outside Vancouver on an FSR you may not see another person for hours or days.

Awareness matters I see a guy with a hammer, baseball bat or knife all I care about is he what is doing. Breaking down my front door, slamming it in to cars or slashing tires, pointing it at people walking by making threats that is a problem. In 50 odd years I count on 1 hand the number times I have been concerned.

deadly99 I suspect simply has no practical experience with firearms something that is not uncommon here, we only have about 2 million (legal) firearms owners. So unless he was an LEO, military or ex-military he simply has no frame of reference. Me I don't worry about legal gun owners anymore than I worry about most drivers, it is the idiots and illegal owners you need to worry about and you don't know who they are mostly until they point it out for you by thier actions.


Autism Family Travellers!
Just to bring this back for a bit...and maybe extend conversation. I am a shooting enthusiast. I just found out we can get some pretty cool firearms un-restricted here. Lots of bull pup style weapons, pump action ar15 is allowed...One type anyways...and some very cool 12 guage assult weapons. Looks like I won't be needing a restricted FAC now!!!! woo hoo. easy peasy. Lots of accessories and mods to be done. the one 12 guage you can get a 20 round rotating mag. target use only...but damn fun!!!!! I can keep my handgun action to air pistols that I can use in my back garden. Fun again!


Soryy to wade into here late. I am an ex military person. I am a person who has had his eyes opened as to human nature I am in favor of CCW but will not break the law about it though. For transporting a Firearm you have to contact the CBSA and your ATF and custom and border guys . I have as a 12 g the Alpha Arms SA15 its a mag fed semi auto so its quick to go from legal store safe to ready to shoot in very short time.. I can also use my Keltek SUB 2000 in 9mm as a backpack gun both are fully NON RESTRICTED. I also have restricted firearms. But I will not break the laws for this subject because I like them as a way to relax, and do not want to have this privilege taken away.


Autism Family Travellers!
Agreed one hundred percent. I want some fun firearms to shoot with, but I don't want to bother with restricted weapons. Have been searching and found lots of fun stuff that's non restricted.


And for those folks wanting to cross into Canada with firearms, you need to check out this link from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP):

And scroll down the link above (about 3/4 the way down) - you want form RCMP 5589. It is the form you need to fill out for your firearms. One note: They tell you to have $25 Canadian funds on hand when you present your form at the border. That means HAVE $25 CANADIAN CASH IN HAND! Don't think they'll make change, they'll take US currency, or there's an ATM machine at the border. They've heard it all.
Have the form filled out completely, follow the instructions to the letter, and have Canadian cash in hand.
Also look nice and clean; and be on your best behavior. You don't want the border folks to be thinking twice about you and decide they need to tear your vehicle apart because you look sketchy or are acting funny (or look and smell like a meth-head). Have weapons readily available (and unloaded!) should they decide they want to see them (sometimes they do; sometimes they don't).

Edit 27 August 2017: They may have started taking credit cards at the border crossings for the firearm permit. I would still try and have the Canadian cash on hand just-in-case the computers are down that day and they're only accepting cash.
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Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
I'd probably look into moving to one of the border states. It would be cost-prohibitive to move to Canada compared to moving to one of the US States like Montana, Wyoming, Idaho or even Upper Michigan. Loads of outdoor activities, little development and very lax gun laws.

I was just talking to a woman who sold her cottage she had up there because she said the costs of living between the two places, Florida in the winter, Nova Scotia in the summer was too costly. Moving up there with a UHaul truck filled with furniture and goods, she had to claim them all and pay an import tax that she said made much of the furniture double in cost. Then when she went to leave, there was an issue with bringing it back, so she had to sell the place furnished

Just something to think about. Same goes for Mexico. The wife and I seriously contemplated moving to Baja, and when you factor in all the work to become a citizen, it makes it very costly


I'd probably look into moving to one of the border states. It would be cost-prohibitive to move to Canada compared to moving to one of the US States like Montana, Wyoming, Idaho or even Upper Michigan. Loads of outdoor activities, little development and very lax gun laws.

One day, when I retire, I have ambitions of doing just that. All my other contemporaries will be moving to Flordia and Arizona, to live their new sunshine lives with A/C, golf, dance lessons, and all the other stuff that goes along with retirement and an eventual drowning into senility.

I, on the other hand, will be moving to a sparsely populated state on Canada's border (I envision Idaho or Michigan), which allows the citizens to be armed and has extensive wilderness for camping and hunting. I'll get to dip into Canada for overlanding trips and hunts, and then come back to my home state to enjoy my 2nd amendment of both worlds IMO.


Gun loving Americans should move to Canada and start working to change their gun laws. Canada has a very small population and 2-3 million Americans could move their in about a week and start making Canada what America used to be.
Canada needs more conservatives and less of the people they are importing now.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
Gun loving Americans should move to Canada and start working to change their gun laws. Canada has a very small population and 2-3 million Americans could move their in about a week and start making Canada what America used to be.
Canada needs more conservatives and less of the people they are importing now.

In the USA we don't like people moving here changing our laws, why would we want that in Canada. Canadians need to decide what's best for them IMO.


In the USA we don't like people moving here changing our laws, why would we want that in Canada. Canadians need to decide what's best for them IMO.

Agreed, I think it's best to respect each countries wishes and leave them be. That said, I would not consider moving to a country where I can not carry. (I guess that leaves CA off my list) :p


IMO Canada's weapon laws are perfect. One can legally buy and use hunting firearms, everything else should be for military use only. There are numerous studies worldwide that prove handguns and automatic weapons have no place in developed societies.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
IMO Canada's weapon laws are perfect. One can legally buy and use hunting firearms, everything else should be for military use only. There are numerous studies worldwide that prove handguns and automatic weapons have no place in developed societies.

Yeah well keep thought in Canada, we like our handguns and auto weapons.


to bring this back around,i bring along my mossberg 500 cruiser as a camp gun.i also fish and it's not uncommon to encounter bears.we've also come face to face while out big deal so far.i also bring along my 9 mm pistol carbine to target shoot when it's too hot out to do anything for gun laws,canada is canada,usa is usa. have hand guns,and don't feel the need to carry.if the shtf,i'll be prepared.

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