Casita or Burro trailer build.


Aids10, where's your beach pic from? That's really what I plan do to with mine most, tow it out on the beach. I'm hoping to take it down to North Padre Island, down into the 4wd access only area with softer sand. I'll send you a PM so as not to highjack this thread.

Aids10, where's your beach pic from? That's really what I plan do to with mine most, tow it out on the beach. I'm hoping to take it down to North Padre Island, down into the 4wd access only area with softer sand. I'll send you a PM so as not to highjack this thread.

Yeah that's North Padre Island National Seashore :smiley_drive:

We did hit an area of soft sand that people were getting stuck in :Wow1:

Was a little concerned being the first time towing the casita on the beach; I put the tundra in 4wd and gunned it around the people bogged.

All was fine (lucky the casita is light); though I did have to reconnect the showers p-trap :victory:


If you go to
there is a lot of great information about the Casita. Two mods you may want to look at are:

Replacing the J pipe from the shower with a one way valve (adds clearance)
Fast drain grey tank mod (rasies plumping a little)

I am thinking about putting shocks on mine to help on dirt roads. I will say it was nice having a hot shower at the Overland Expo. I love my 17ft. I do need to get a genarator or solar panels. The battery lasted about 2 and half days before dying on me.

I thought you might like to see the work we did to the inside of ours:
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THX M8! Appreciate the tips :sombrero:

I'm also planning a genny setup like this one-

See ya over at!

If you go to
there is a lot of great information about the Casita. Two mods you may want to look at are:

Replacing the J pipe from the shower with a one way valve (adds clearance)
Fast drain grey tank mod (rasies plumping a little)

I am thinking about putting shocks on mine to help on dirt roads. I will say it was nice having a hot shower at the Overland Expo. I love my 17ft. I do need to get a genarator or solar panels. The battery lasted about 2 and half days before dying on me.

I thought you might like to see the work we did to the inside of ours:

Ok this might be the solution:

Has anyone investigated the suspension Oliver Trailers have?

Their trailers look well lifted with a Leaf Sprung, Quad Shock, 5,200 lb. Freedom Axle!



Could be reasonably priced. :victory:


New member
Jeep JK / Casita Trailer

We have a 2007 2-door Jeep JK Rubicon & recently bought a new 13' Casita to go w/it. We ordered the Casita w/ the higher clearance thinking it would be a good set-up. We used it for the first time a week ago; the Jeep pulled it fine & it trailed fine but we're really disappointed w/ the Casitas lack of quality. We didn't used the 4wd @ all or go on any rough roads (in fact @ one point I left my soda sitting on the rear bumper of the trailer & didn't miss it for about 2 miles... it was still sitting there). Then the door latch broke and I had to take the door off @ the hinges to get in & remove it (bungee cord now holds the door shut). Then the flimsy cupboard door hinges kept bending so the door wouldn't stay shut & everything fell out on the floor where it mixed w/ the stuff that fell out of the refridgerator because the crummy little plastic lock on it is junk too (bungee cords now holding them shut too). The igniters on the stove & refrigerator don't work. The bed is falling apart, I had to tighten the screws 3 times in a week & the wooden bedframe is a loose rattling, creaking, mess. It's supposed to be warrenteed for a year so when we got home we called & e-mailed Casita but they didn't bother to reply. When my wife finaly got them on the phone Tim in the service dept. was impolite and totally worthless. Victor (also in service dept.) was polite but also didn't accomplish anything. We were told there are no authorized repair shops here in Arizona and it would either have to be returned to Rice, Texas where they're built or we could take it to any RV repair shop. & send them an estimate & they'd pay for repairs. None of the RV shops in Phoenix will touch it because they don't believe Casita will pay them. Casita says we need to pay for it & if they agree w/ the price they'll reimburse us. I'll probably end up fixing this heap myself @ my own cost.
Also if you buy a Casita be aware their literature is incorrect, the battery CANNOT be accessed from the outside like they claim and it shows in the owners manual, in fact the whole seat would have to be dismantled to get @ it. To add insult to injury they reccommend checking the battery levels weekly... RIGHT!
At this point I'd be happy to get my money back on this thing and go buy a quality rig. Scamps or some others may be better but I can't reccomend a Casita for anything. Again, it's brand new, we didn't tow this on any rough roads, it's falling apart and Casitas warrenty is worthless.


Wow!, sure sorry to hear about your frustrations. I don't want to add fuel to the flame, but I honestly haven't had these type of frustrations with mine. I didn't buy it new, far from it actually, but I haven't heard things like this from any of the other Casita owners I've talked with. Quite the opposite actually. Good luck.

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