Yes I get static either way, that much I do know.
It's quite likely external of your vehicle then.
Find a dirt road somewhere that is well away from other houses, businesses, power lines, etc., shut the engine off (shut everything off except your CB unit) and then see if you still have static. If you do, then something is likely amiss with your radio (or it just doesn't like that antenna or something).
If the static isn't present, then you were just in a noisy area.
Static interference around electrical/electronic equipment/populated areas is often a way of life nowadays on HF/low-VHF bands, which includes CB (I have someone down the street I suspect might be running a million watts of marijuana grow lights that spews out S-9+20dB of raucous wideband static from 10-50MHz when I drive past his house). Fortunately crap like this isn't an issue when you're away from town.
1.5:1 SWR is acceptable... If it's 2:1 or higher you should then investigate why and try to correct it.
Clarifier is to tune in SSB signals (it doesn't really make a whole lot of difference on AM). I recall there being a pretty good description on how SSB works in the manuals for those radios (explains the clarifier control and how it "speeds up" or "slows down" a person's voice so you can make it sound natural while using SSB).
Have you had any successful contacts with anyone yet? Is anyone able to hear you OK?
That alien talk was probably SSB transmissions. 36-40 is the SSB channels and 38 is the call channel. Put your mode selector on LSB next time you here the alien talk, then use the clarifier to fine tune the station in.
Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk