CB comparison


Well-known member
I am looking at the compact 'hidden' units due to space.

Totally get that, nothing new under the sun here. I've used the controls on the mic models (Cobra 75 WX ST) in the past and they do work, and are space efficient, but having all the controls tied up into the mic, and that coil cord IMHO is asking for reliability issues. YMMV of course and I know folks that have literally used the Cobra since the early versions of the 75 WX ST were released I honestly think it was sometime in the 90s, and still use them without any repairs or replacements.

If it floats your boat, then go for it.
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Usually broken down on the side of the road
Cobra 75
Midland 75-822
Uniden CMX760

Opinions? Any particular one better than the rest based on experiences?

I've never used the others at length, but I have a Midland 75-822. It works well except for the following annoyances:

1. The display is very small
2. The backlight turns off automatically after a short time and has no "auto on" feature nor does it have an "on all the time" feature. This is actually a very big annoyance to me.
3. The cigarette adapter wires are quite thin gauge and will break over time with flex/use. I have had to cut and replace mine with thicker gauge flexible wire.
4. No audio filtering features.

The front end does seem pretty well protected against reflection (I've abused it pretty badly) and the construction of the actual unit is good.

If I had to do it over again, I would buy a unit with a bigger display and an always--on backlight (well, and SSB so I can DX :) )
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I'm going to open this back up with a couple more questions. And also include a GMRS component instead of starting a new thread.

Vehicle to be used - Jeep Gladiator with metal canopy

CB Talk
CB radio of choice - Uniden CMX760 https://www.rightchannelradios.com/products/uniden-off-road-cmx760

Now, I know there's a lot of talk about cowl mounts and hood lip mounts. But if a guy were to consider a mid load antenna (options below), would it sway a direction to a particular mount type?


Now to throw another curve ball... I so happen to have TWO 102" whips in the basement - never got on my truck before I sold it. I could get a ball mount and put one on the side of the canopy. I do have a 102 on my TJ, and it works excellent, except for hitting a lot of things. Now the question though, is I am not going to run SSB with the CMX760 - so would a 102 really benefit? I have been able to get over 10 miles on my TJ before.... But I dont have the equipment to do a functional graph of the radiation pattern, and I am certain it extends off to one side quite a lot more than the other of course.

If one were able to find a way to roof mount with a ground pane, what are the opinions of something like this - https://www.rightchannelradios.com/products/larsen-low-profile-unity-gain-antenna Might it work better than a cowl mounted option?

Also - considering the mounting locations available to us Jeepers, would one truly benefit from the MXT575? Or, considering these less than optimum mounting location options, would it functionally do no better than the MXT275?


SE Expedition Society
I'm going to open this back up with a couple more questions. And also include a GMRS component instead of starting a new thread.

Vehicle to be used - Jeep Gladiator with metal canopy

CB Talk
CB radio of choice - Uniden CMX760 https://www.rightchannelradios.com/products/uniden-off-road-cmx760

Now, I know there's a lot of talk about cowl mounts and hood lip mounts. But if a guy were to consider a mid load antenna (options below), would it sway a direction to a particular mount type?


Now to throw another curve ball... I so happen to have TWO 102" whips in the basement - never got on my truck before I sold it. I could get a ball mount and put one on the side of the canopy. I do have a 102 on my TJ, and it works excellent, except for hitting a lot of things. Now the question though, is I am not going to run SSB with the CMX760 - so would a 102 really benefit? I have been able to get over 10 miles on my TJ before.... But I dont have the equipment to do a functional graph of the radiation pattern, and I am certain it extends off to one side quite a lot more than the other of course.

If one were able to find a way to roof mount with a ground pane, what are the opinions of something like this - https://www.rightchannelradios.com/products/larsen-low-profile-unity-gain-antenna Might it work better than a cowl mounted option?

Also - considering the mounting locations available to us Jeepers, would one truly benefit from the MXT575? Or, considering these less than optimum mounting location options, would it functionally do no better than the MXT275?
It's not all about the 102. I got legit 17 mile tx from a motorcycle with a 2' whip on a walkie and a groundplane kit from Lafayette. An antenna is part of a system and is the sum of the components.
Make it all work in harmony.


The CMX760 says it has NOAA weather alert.


Product Overview

  • 40-Channel Operation
  • Channel Monitor
  • Channel Scan
  • Ultra-Compact for easy mounting just 4 x 4 x 1 inches
  • NOAA Weather with Alert
  • Weather Channel Scan
  • Easy-access Speaker/Mic controls
  • Large Display on Speaker/Mic
  • Backlight Color
  • Contrast Color
  • S/RF Meter
  • Roger Beep
  • Battery Check
  • Frequency Indicator
  • Key Lock
  • High Cut
FWIW, my $0.02 on CBs is shop mainly on features that you want and form factor that works. Performance across the major brands (Uniden, Cobra, Midland, etc) is going to be a function of your antenna more than anything.

The offerings seem to me to come down to two options.

On one hand you're getting a long existing design. That just means the strengths and weakness are well known and any major things have long since been corrected. The Cobra 75 WX ST and 75-822 have been around a long time, a decade and maybe more. Lots of people use them and AFAIK no show stoppers.

The other case is you're buying a newer design that is coming from one of the factories in China. For example that Uniden CMX760 sure looks a lot like a Midland MXT275, which is a GMRS radio. It would take some digging but I would not be surprised if they both are made by the same OEM made under contract.

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View attachment 684257

So I ended up ordering the Uniden CB and the Midland 275.

The CB is WAY smaller than I anticipated! It's a good thing though as space in a Jeep is premium. If it works well enough I may order a second one for the TJ too


I also took a chance and got this antenna to go with it https://www.rightchannelradios.com/products/stryker-center-load-antenna-1 Opposite the head unit, the antenna is a lot larger than anticipated

I am still really struggling with where to put it!! The cowl is where a lot of other jeepers have theirs since there's not a ton of options. Seems to me that I would want a spring to prevent something from getting bent - but with a spring I would be really worried about that thing smacking the windshield. I could put it on my metal canopy for now, but eventually with a RTT that will be aluminum, not sure how that would work - plus that would mean the coax is constantly bending as the RTT is opened and closed.

As for the GMRS, I still couldn't find what I was looking for so I just pulled the trigger on this guy. https://midlandusa.com/collections/...ucts/micromobile-mxta26-6db-gain-whip-antenna I have not yet installed nor tried any of these yet. I still need to find where to mount them, and then get the right mount weather it be a magnetic base, nmo or something else.
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Expedition Leader
I finally took my Yaesu FT-450D off the shelf and installed it in my Jeep. That'll work for rare instances I need to listen to CB.
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I finally took my Yaesu FT-450D off the shelf and installed it in my Jeep. That'll work for rare instances I need to listen to CB.

While a lot of the off road clubs mostly run GMRS, there are a few who still only have CB.

But, CB is stilll critically important in my area as commercial entities run on it and its nice to be able to communicate with them as needed.


Well-known member
I run both on trips. My convoy runs GMRS on the road and on the trail.

CB is very handy to lurk on channel 19, trucks talk back and forth about road hazards/conditions which is invaluable when passing thru large unfamiliar cities.


if you get a full sized CB unit, most CB shops can tweak it for maximum performance.

Are CB shops even a thing anymore?? I haven't seen one in probably 15 years...... They certainly don't exist where I live now....

For the JT I opted for the unidentified mini one that is similar to the Midland MX275 in that the controls are on the mic. I'm curious to see how well it will work with the Stryker antenna - just waiting on coax.


Gentleman Adventurer
Are CB shops even a thing anymore?? I haven't seen one in probably 15 years...... They certainly don't exist where I live now....

For the JT I opted for the unidentified mini one that is similar to the Midland MX275 in that the controls are on the mic. I'm curious to see how well it will work with the Stryker antenna - just waiting on coax.
Many truck stops have a CB shop. If there is not one by you get a SWR meter watch a couple of videos on how to tune your antenna


I just bought and installed a Cobra 75 WX ST under the driver’s seat, next to the bodies of my HAM/GMRS radios. I bought it for Easter Jeep Safari, where CB is the preferred radio.

Tuning a 4’ Wilson Flex was easy. Radio and mic checks worked when testing with a buddy one mile away line of sight.

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