CB radio - or Ham?


I noticed that, thanks. I am the author, and it was written under the old band plans from years ago. Thanks for the correction.


Get both. But if I could only choose one, get the Ham. Way more versatile and with a soddering gun you can make many things happen.


Expedition Leader
I love ham, but practically speaking I think the possible answers should be CB or both.

There is a strong likelihood that you will wind up on the trail with others that only have CB. Despite the recent trend towards more use of ham radio in off-road rigs, CB still seems to dominate in most circles. So, if you don't have a CB you may still find yourself left out of the conversation.

Ham has way more capabilities, so it's a real good idea to have both in my opinion. But if I only had a ham radio in my rig I'd be left out of a lot of conversations.


Can a multi band radio with 10m be hacked for CB transmit? Do not kill the messenger. That way you would only need one radio.


To bad your wrong on that. It can be done just not worth the head ach

Actually Kelly, I'm still in the right on this, and although my answer was a bit brief, it was perfectly appropriate. You're aware that it would be a federal crime to do as you were questioning earlier. With you being a licensed ham, I'm surprised you're asking.
The answer is very simple...It cannot legally be done and therefore it should never physically be done. Additionally, in order to maintain the integrity of this forum, we as hams should never be irresponsibly suggesting it as being possible.
I built my first CW rig in 1976 and have been building and repairing equipment since. I understand what can and can't be done functionally with circuits. But, this is not the kind of information I'd share even with other licensed Amateurs.
I didn't want to "shoot the messenger" as you say (and I hope you don't feel that I have), so I answered in a short and simple fashion and the answer is still no.
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For those os us that are HAM outside the US and have not read the particular FCC rules...

I'm looking to read the information regarding the modification of HAM equipment to transmit on CB on the FCC website. I have found a few good links but there is a wealth of info on there and I simply lack the time today to read all the info. I will read it when I get home tonight but meanwhile if you can assist me on one particular:

Is it illegal to modify and transmit on the CB bands from HAM equipment because CB's are limited to 4w and HAM equipment can transmit higher than that??? (a technical reason) or are there other reasons??? Please understand that most hams outside the US have not have had to read the FCC rules.



You did not shoot the messenger and yes in the States it is Illegal to do this.

The reason for my question is simple If I'm going to purchase a new radio for my rig and I know it can be done( not saying I will) then I would have one more tool to get me out of a emergency in country or out. We both are kinda right you just you a little more.

Actually Kelly, I'm still in the right on this, and although my answer was a bit brief, it was perfectly appropriate. You're aware that it would be a federal crime to do as you were questioning earlier. With you being a licensed ham, I'm surprised you're asking.
The answer is very simple...It cannot legally be done and therefore it should never physically be done. Additionally, in order to maintain the integrity of this forum, we as hams should never be irresponsibly suggesting it as being possible.
I built my first CW rig in 1976 and have been building and repairing equipment since. I understand what can and can't be done functionally with circuits. But, this is not the kind of information I'd share even with other licensed Amateurs.
I didn't want to "shoot the messenger" as you say (and I hope you don't feel that I have), so I answered in a short and simple fashion and the answer is still no.

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