Plenty of great choices depending on how much you want to talk
Full size CB if you talk a lot, use long sentences, or get spread out more than a few miles on the trail.
Hand held talkie, Cobra 75, or Midland 75-822 (if you want a combination of both).
The Cobra and Midland don't have the duty cycle for long winded conversations - rag chewing. Both have great Rx capabilities.
My buddy has the Midland 75-882, paired with a mag mount antenna, and the cigarette lighter adapter. He can toss it in any vehicle very quickly, and it works great.
I run the Cobra 75 with a 2' Firestick or a 4' Firefly antenna (depending topography, and group size). It works great, because I do better with my mouth shut... :elkgrin:
I also carry FRS hand talkies, a Ham hand talkie and an InReach SE. All of which I like much better than CB.
Picture one: Cobra 75 & Boafeng VHF/UFH ham hand talkie on a Cool tech mount.
Picture two: 4' Firefly antenna mounted on the tail gate