your antenna and how you mount it is the most important thing.
Get a new antenna, new mount and new cable. I have an everhardt antenna that has been great, many like firestik.
Mount the antenna to the body (to clean metal) of you vehicle as high as possible. Don't mount to fenders, doors, hoods or bumpers or things that attach to the body. Whatever you mount your antenna to becomes the other half of you antenna, the more metal the more ground plan = a better antenna setup.
There are always compromises with the antenna. Long antennas are better but they may get in the way. High dead center on your vehicle is best but it may get in the way or you my have a rack in the way or a soft top.
Get whatever CB floats your boat, new or used. You don't have to break the bank. It is nice to have a weather channel and PA.
Get a new antenna, new mount and new cable. I have an everhardt antenna that has been great, many like firestik.
Mount the antenna to the body (to clean metal) of you vehicle as high as possible. Don't mount to fenders, doors, hoods or bumpers or things that attach to the body. Whatever you mount your antenna to becomes the other half of you antenna, the more metal the more ground plan = a better antenna setup.
There are always compromises with the antenna. Long antennas are better but they may get in the way. High dead center on your vehicle is best but it may get in the way or you my have a rack in the way or a soft top.
Get whatever CB floats your boat, new or used. You don't have to break the bank. It is nice to have a weather channel and PA.