Ccw while overlanding


Resident Stuped Hillbilly
I know guns can be a touchy subject for some people, but I'd like to ask anyway. How many people carry while traveling? I know there are right and wrong ways of doing it. For one, the Utah "multi state" carry permit allows for the legal possession of a handgun in 40 some odd states. However being in New England, with the exception of Vermont, the Utah listener doesn't really cover any of my surrounding states. I believe Maine covers a few other states as well, but would anyone have other information on what covers who?

I know that some events frown on possession of firearms, but I do a lot of traveling to Maine and New Hampshire. And camping and hiking in the woods in the middle of bear country just seems.... Well... Unprepared.

What your opinion?


Adventurer and Explorer
Carry on, its your legal right. Also, don't take any advice from the internet as I'm about to give you advice, haha. Just read and know all the carry/transport laws for where your going. Take proper courses and get as many permits as you can. I'm not sure how it is over where you are but here in the peoples republic of California if you talk to law enforcement officers or the call the DOJ you always get different answers, its terrible at best. To be honest, I've got a few CCW's and I can't keep track of jack ****. Laws change from year to year and reciprocity changes as well, you could be perfectly legal to carry with a Utah permit in one state and the next year that same state will drop the Utah permit. I just do my research a week before I go some where. I also know laws vary from State Parks vs BLM vs National Parks so do your research there as well. I'd rather not give you exact info because I know it will A: Be incorrect or B: I'll get called out because someone else will know better. When it comes to other people who frown upon this, just remember, be law abiding and don't ask don't tell. You don't need to have an explanation or justification for others because its your right.

So basically...
Inquire about a hunters safety course in your area. That might fill you in on good info regarding laws.
Try to get a CCW for your state if possible.
Take a CCW safety course for your state or others if possible.
In my experience I've found that local sheriffs offices and park rangers usually have the best info.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
This is always a touchy subject, and I realize you are aware you are positioning this query in the forum section where the firearm advocates are likely to support you, which is fine.

I just want to add another opinion. I do not feel a need for a firearm when camping. Not ever. And, I camp and travel everywhere from Mexico to Colombia where the FARC was considered "a danger."

Not saying you should or shouldn't carry. I just do not, and never will. Not even when I lived in thick bear country in AK.


The question I always like to ask is, if I can legally carry, why wouldn't I? While I don't believe that the world is an inherently dangerous place just waiting to kill me, bad things do happen. It is the same reason I always wear a seatbelt. I don't ever intend to use it, but despite my best efforts, it might just come in handy.
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Jeff H

You'll want to check for any reciprocity agreements for the states you want to travel in. Traveling in a state where you need a concealed permit to conceal a handgun without one is a pretty serious offense. Im surrounded by states that dont accept Pennsylvania's conceal permit so if I go to those states I just choose not to carry. When I was a police officer I was covered under LEOSA which allowed an officer to carry 50 state wide. I wish it were that way for everyone.


I often have something when travelling, but as mentioned above, never felt like I had to have it - just like to be prepared.
I'm sure you know that there are very different rules and ordinances in states/towns/provinces between transport of firearms in a vehicle and personal carriage.

While these are no substitute to checking with the LEO agencies in the jurisdictions you'll be traveling, here are some resources to consider for planning purposes:


Don't Litter
I CCW. I'm in a similar situation to you. Live in MA, often go to NH.

I took my course ($125) and got my LTC in MA (another $100). Once you receive your LTC in MA, you can apply for your non-resident NH Pistol / Revolver License. All you have to do is fill out a form, photocopy your MA LTC front and back, and include a $100 check. Both permits are good for 4-6 years.

As far as I know, NH only requires a permit for concealed carry of pistols. I believe you can have locked, unloaded rifles and pistols with you without a permit. Either way, I wanted to CCW in MA & NH, so I applied for both permits. I don't work for the NH Dept of Public Safety so make sure you confirm with them.

Maine is it's own entity. I don't go often so I haven't looked up the process.

VT has no restrictions. Bring and carry what you want. Love VT.

Check out this page - Not sure on the accuracy, but it's a good start. Always double check before you cross state lines...


Resident Stuped Hillbilly
Thanks for the tips and pointers guys. I do have my cc win MA, so that makes it a little less expensive lol
I kind of agree with 702krawler's logic of "better to have and not need" maybe with the coming snowstorm I'll stay in and do some homework


Given that you are back east, the following info will probably be irrelevant. I live in CA and 'should' be moving to AZ and have been researching/reading laws in both states as I'm considering a first purchase. The PRK has very strict regs but 'might' be getting more friendly on CCW county sheriff by county sheriff based on a recent court case. You can transport an UNLOADED gun separate and away from any ammunition. AZ is an open carry state. AZ does have a CCW, primarily from what I read, for reciprocity purposes. That being said, PRK does not recognize it. The AZ info did list the states that 'currently' did (and there were quite a few), so it'd be worth checking. I seriously doubt the PRK would recognize any other state CCW. Just the way this state is. There was another good thread here debating whether to disclose weapons to a LEO if stopped. Good read there too.


Expedition Leader
Not sure why this is a touchy subject. It's your right to do it. So do it. No one seems to feel freedom of speech is a touchy subject. I do all the time. Unless I'm in California

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2025 deleted member

Well-known member
Yeah this debate is always polarizing. Me personally I sleep with the gun laying next to my bag in bear country. I guess it a personal preference thing. I do feel a personal responsibility for my families safety outdoors.


I live in MA and have an LTC-A Unrestricted and a NH Out of State CC permit. I looked into ME as I have started going up there more. The ME CC paperwork is incredibly intrusive to me, enough so that I will not be applying.

I don't go to CT or RI enough to warrant those. Planning on getting the Utah OoS this spring.


New member
The ME CC paperwork is incredibly intrusive to me, enough so that I will not be applying.

ME law allows for OPEN carry if don't want to get an out of state permit. While I know it is not always the best idea to advertise your firearm it is an option at your campsite etc. where it is most likely just your friends / family that are okay with carrying.

Note if it is not visible then it is concealed even in the vehicle. Ex: under the seat, glovebox, on the seat BUT cover by a jacket... At that point you either need a permit or it must be unloaded, no chambered round & an empty magazine. Best to keep ammo & firearm separate.

I have nothing to hide, am not a felon, and it's been a long time since I've done anything worse than speeding. If I'm stopped or approached by police I tell them I'm carrying open or concealed. Most appreciate the heads up. If my firearm is unloaded and stored away unless they ask I don't mention it.


you are travelling between Maine and New Hampshire. That is bear country, but black bear country.
Black bears are very unlikely to attack you especially if you practice any type of forethought (bear bags when camping in the bush, don't split up mom and cubs, etc.)

I understand feeling the need to carry when dealing with grizzlies and big cats but here in the east I don't think it is necessary. When we see bears, we normally consider it an exciting experience because it doesn't happen often and when it does they tend to run in the opposite direction as quickly as possible.


Resident Stuped Hillbilly
Bear is also just one possibility. It's a protection from anything who would otherwise want to do you harm. And for the piece of mind, I really see no downsides save
for the money and paperwork.

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