Ccw while overlanding


ME law allows for OPEN carry if don't want to get an out of state permit. While I know it is not always the best idea to advertise your firearm it is an option at your campsite etc. where it is most likely just your friends / family that are okay with carrying.

Note if it is not visible then it is concealed even in the vehicle. Ex: under the seat, glovebox, on the seat BUT cover by a jacket... At that point you either need a permit or it must be unloaded, no chambered round & an empty magazine. Best to keep ammo & firearm separate.

I have nothing to hide, am not a felon, and it's been a long time since I've done anything worse than speeding. If I'm stopped or approached by police I tell them I'm carrying open or concealed. Most appreciate the heads up. If my firearm is unloaded and stored away unless they ask I don't mention it.

While I would OC in the North Maine Woods, I wouldn't do it in, lets say, Portland or Kittery, etc.


New member
While I would OC in the North Maine Woods, I wouldn't do it in, lets say, Portland or Kittery, etc.

I was walking into the grocery store today behind a guy who had an OC 1911. I'm not in southern Maine but in the "real Maine" you'll see OC if you're looking for it. Personally I don't like to advertise but i was just giving the OP options.


New member
you are travelling between Maine and New Hampshire. That is bear country, but black bear country.
Black bears are very unlikely to attack you especially if you practice any type of forethought (bear bags when camping in the bush, don't split up mom and cubs, etc.)

I understand feeling the need to carry when dealing with grizzlies and big cats but here in the east I don't think it is necessary. When we see bears, we normally consider it an exciting experience because it doesn't happen often and when it does they tend to run in the opposite direction as quickly as possible.

You better re-think your opinion on black bears. I live in Tennessee, black bear country. I know of at least two deaths from black bears in the last 10 years. One was a trout fisherman who was killed while fishing. The second death was a child that was with her mother and other family members on a hike to a waterfall. Black bears are dangerous.


I live in MA and have an LTC-A Unrestricted and a NH Out of State CC permit. I looked into ME as I have started going up there more. The ME CC paperwork is incredibly intrusive to me, enough so that I will not be applying.

I don't go to CT or RI enough to warrant those. Planning on getting the Utah OoS this spring.

ME more intrusive than LTC-A? Wow. I never would have expected that. I have an OOS Maine permit and have for several years. I don't remember the process being any more intrusive than here in NH. The hardest part was submitting proof of a training course. Have things changed or is there a part that I am forgetting?

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
You guys are both correct. The bear will usually leave you alone, problem is you need to be prepared for that chance encounter IMO.
You better re-think your opinion on black bears. I live in Tennessee, black bear country. I know of at least two deaths from black bears in the last 10 years. One was a trout fisherman who was killed while fishing. The second death was a child that was with her mother and other family members on a hike to a waterfall. Black bears are dangerous.


ME more intrusive than LTC-A? Wow. I never would have expected that. I have an OOS Maine permit and have for several years. I don't remember the process being any more intrusive than here in NH. The hardest part was submitting proof of a training course. Have things changed or is there a part that I am forgetting?

Hi Ryan,
Yeah, they are actually more intrusive than MA, if you can believe it. Here is a link to the out of state application, all 10 pages.

NH was great to deal with, sent in the non resident form and the plastic card comes in the mail about a week and a half later.


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