With your c8.25, its a 29spline. Its only weakness over the d44 is the c8.25 is a c-clip, less aftermarket support & and 29splines vs the 30spline of the d44. The housing however is beefier! 3" vs 2.75" tubes. You will be 100% fine with your 8.25 on 31's locked. They are actually known to hold 35's unlocked stock shafts all day! So you will have plenty of security if you lock it! I would pick up a spare shaft or 2 if possible..just cause its always nice to have spares!
Interior mods..hmm have you looked under your carpet yet? Any rust should be tackled asap! The front seat mounts tend to rust out as well..I just cleaned mine & sprayed them with rustolem semi-gloss & they look good as new! Wire wheel/scuff the floor up nice & good. Maybe put a layer of sound deadener down..then bedline it and install a few drain plugs, then reinstall the carpet! It'll keep the rust out & incase you flood it for some reason..it will be simple to drain & clean! All in all the bedline will be the biggest cost..Monstaliner or lizard skin are my favorite..not as rough as herculiner..much more forgiving on barefeet!
You can use peel & seal from lowes or homedepot for cheapo sound deadener..put 2 lays on the wheel wells & trans tunnel & the rest will take 1 covering. So far my favorite mod I've done on my XJ. I added that crap everywhere I could & its damn near silent inside! I lightly scuffed the top of the sound deadener with some sand paper & a block of 2x4..not too much just enough to help the bedliner stick..
For drain plugs you can do something like this..
I'm going back through, pulling my carpet and gonna install them at the very front of front seats..so feet don't get caught on them. Kinda in between the front seat rails..I don't plan on dunking my jeep but its there for the just in case type deal...
You can install a cutoff switch for interior lighting. So if you wanted to leave the hatch open or doors open for tunes, you can kill the interior lights & save the battery. I know mine sucked when at the drive in movies..I hated pulling the fuses so I found a writeup & installed a kill switch to kill just the interior lighting!
You can install LED's as well. A memeber on jeep forum did a writeup..I must say the LED ribbon strip on the hatch helps when camping..throws light about 15-20 ft behind the jeep..and probably 2ft wider per side..I'm installing a OHC (overhead console) and will probably install LED's in it as well..the gauges & stuff I just replaced the normal bulbs with new ones & they are plenty bright..
You can pick up some nice Husky Liners..they have front, rear & cargo area..that way your not ruining your carpet.
Install a fire extinguisher! And I would look seriously into some minor first aid/medical training classes! When out exploring you can only rely on what you have & know! Pick up a full first aid kit & keep it 100% up to date..if your carrying pills & stuff make sure they don't expire. Also a BIG first aid kit is cool & all but if you can't use the stuff in them, then theres no need to carry it! So some training is very very helpful & will go a long way if the time ever comes & I'm sure at some point you will be glad you have the training!
I carry a small first aid kit I carry when hiking/exploring ect. Its small enough to clip to a belt loop, otherwise it rides in the glove box! Simple things from band aids & a small amount of ibprophen, a epi-pen for me (allergic to bee's), guaze, a small pair of scissors, a little thread, 2 foil blankets, super glue (it'll hold deep cuts together with ease), alcohol wipes..Honestly small things that are helpful in the time of need! Remember to keep 1 small enough with everything you and your party may need if something were to happen! Keep it small & light!
Follow the "carry what you know how to use" rule..and while honestly suturing someone up and saving a trip is cool & you feel like a hero, its not always needed..most times a bandage or sorts & tape are more appropriate. I wanted the training incase something happened and if no one else can help, then maybe I can! This falls true for daily living..a few times I've seen a wreck an no emergency personal on site yet..theres things you can do to help! Even if its only a bandaid:victory:
I also have a much more essentric kit under the rear seat, I'm still taking classes but I can use anything in my kit properly...that I actually need to move to a more noticeable area like under the front seat maybe...Its in a medium sized sealed/water proof case that I picked up at military surplus store. It will fit under the front seat..so its not to big at all!But it holds pretty much anything you can need, or anyone else can need. And I keep it fairly organized!
Paramedic pocket guide & 2 small first aid book/bookelts..incase I'm injured & no one knows what to do
scissors, tweezers, scalpel (kind weary on this..but I can get it done if needed)
Glucose checker and two tubes of insta-glucose
3pr gloves
triangle bandage
Waterproof adhesive tape & duct tape (duct tape is stickier & works on bigger cuts if in need)
Ace/elastic bandage
4 rolls of kerlix
12 4x4s pads (sterile)
8 5x9s pads (sterile)
assorted size non stick pads
Assorted sizes of band aids & butterfly bandages
burn jel
Sam splint
Asprin/tylenol/benadryl (small amounts)
Antibiotic ointment, hydrocortizone cream
note pad, pen and black sharpie (need to replace pen & pad with waterproof versions!!!)
4 emergency foil blanket
quick clot
Hydrogen peroxide
Alcohol wipes
mole skin (great for blisters)
Needle (sterile) & thread
couple tubes of super glue
Tampons & panty liners (weird yes, but if your gushing blood these will soak it all up, trying to save people here lol)
Couple of pocket masks
flash lights both small & large
I don't carry around a full on needles or cutting tools/utincles as I don't feel 100% comfortable with them. Just what I think may help me or others when the time comes! I think I've got a pretty prepared kit for around 150 bucks or so.
I also have my survival back thats in my jeep whenever I am! Its good practice to have one..some call it a BOB (bug out bag), 72 hour bag ect. Mines my survival back.
Paracord, a Gerber LMF II (knife), flash lights & head lamp, foil emergency blankets, 1 spare set of cloths (shocks, sweats, long sleeve, socks), MRE's, & 3 20oz bottles of water, wire cutters, signal mirror, 2 fire starters (small so they aren't to spacious) matches wrapped in serran wrap, cotton balls (fire tender if needed), whistle, bar of soap, small fishing box (maybe 4x6"..holds 2 different sized line, lures, flys, cast master/rooster tail), philips & flat screw drivers, pocket knife multi-tool, few zip lock waterproof bags, chapstick in a little zip lock bag incase it melts, snare wire, compass, iodine tabs & a canteen, small sealed bottle of bleach. Nitride gloves (hand warmers..these make you sweat lol, can also carry water)
I'm still building my survival bag..so if anyone has ideas? I was thinking maybe a small hatchet..or larger knife that can be used in that fashion?
You can also get together a recovery kit. Straps, 2 pair of thick gloves, road flares, d-rings, snatch block, maybe one of those small military folding shovels, reflextive tape & road signs, couple flash lights. I also keep this stuff under my rear seat..its all pretty need in a small durable bag.
I would start on the fire extinguisher, first aid & recovery! I would then look into the floors & make sure the are sound & rust proof them! Gotta have a good base before you can upgrade:wings:
Interior mods..hmm have you looked under your carpet yet? Any rust should be tackled asap! The front seat mounts tend to rust out as well..I just cleaned mine & sprayed them with rustolem semi-gloss & they look good as new! Wire wheel/scuff the floor up nice & good. Maybe put a layer of sound deadener down..then bedline it and install a few drain plugs, then reinstall the carpet! It'll keep the rust out & incase you flood it for some reason..it will be simple to drain & clean! All in all the bedline will be the biggest cost..Monstaliner or lizard skin are my favorite..not as rough as herculiner..much more forgiving on barefeet!
You can use peel & seal from lowes or homedepot for cheapo sound deadener..put 2 lays on the wheel wells & trans tunnel & the rest will take 1 covering. So far my favorite mod I've done on my XJ. I added that crap everywhere I could & its damn near silent inside! I lightly scuffed the top of the sound deadener with some sand paper & a block of 2x4..not too much just enough to help the bedliner stick..
For drain plugs you can do something like this..
I'm going back through, pulling my carpet and gonna install them at the very front of front seats..so feet don't get caught on them. Kinda in between the front seat rails..I don't plan on dunking my jeep but its there for the just in case type deal...
You can install a cutoff switch for interior lighting. So if you wanted to leave the hatch open or doors open for tunes, you can kill the interior lights & save the battery. I know mine sucked when at the drive in movies..I hated pulling the fuses so I found a writeup & installed a kill switch to kill just the interior lighting!
You can install LED's as well. A memeber on jeep forum did a writeup..I must say the LED ribbon strip on the hatch helps when camping..throws light about 15-20 ft behind the jeep..and probably 2ft wider per side..I'm installing a OHC (overhead console) and will probably install LED's in it as well..the gauges & stuff I just replaced the normal bulbs with new ones & they are plenty bright..
You can pick up some nice Husky Liners..they have front, rear & cargo area..that way your not ruining your carpet.
Install a fire extinguisher! And I would look seriously into some minor first aid/medical training classes! When out exploring you can only rely on what you have & know! Pick up a full first aid kit & keep it 100% up to date..if your carrying pills & stuff make sure they don't expire. Also a BIG first aid kit is cool & all but if you can't use the stuff in them, then theres no need to carry it! So some training is very very helpful & will go a long way if the time ever comes & I'm sure at some point you will be glad you have the training!
I carry a small first aid kit I carry when hiking/exploring ect. Its small enough to clip to a belt loop, otherwise it rides in the glove box! Simple things from band aids & a small amount of ibprophen, a epi-pen for me (allergic to bee's), guaze, a small pair of scissors, a little thread, 2 foil blankets, super glue (it'll hold deep cuts together with ease), alcohol wipes..Honestly small things that are helpful in the time of need! Remember to keep 1 small enough with everything you and your party may need if something were to happen! Keep it small & light!
Follow the "carry what you know how to use" rule..and while honestly suturing someone up and saving a trip is cool & you feel like a hero, its not always needed..most times a bandage or sorts & tape are more appropriate. I wanted the training incase something happened and if no one else can help, then maybe I can! This falls true for daily living..a few times I've seen a wreck an no emergency personal on site yet..theres things you can do to help! Even if its only a bandaid:victory:
I also have a much more essentric kit under the rear seat, I'm still taking classes but I can use anything in my kit properly...that I actually need to move to a more noticeable area like under the front seat maybe...Its in a medium sized sealed/water proof case that I picked up at military surplus store. It will fit under the front seat..so its not to big at all!But it holds pretty much anything you can need, or anyone else can need. And I keep it fairly organized!
Paramedic pocket guide & 2 small first aid book/bookelts..incase I'm injured & no one knows what to do
scissors, tweezers, scalpel (kind weary on this..but I can get it done if needed)
Glucose checker and two tubes of insta-glucose
3pr gloves
triangle bandage
Waterproof adhesive tape & duct tape (duct tape is stickier & works on bigger cuts if in need)
Ace/elastic bandage
4 rolls of kerlix
12 4x4s pads (sterile)
8 5x9s pads (sterile)
assorted size non stick pads
Assorted sizes of band aids & butterfly bandages
burn jel
Sam splint
Asprin/tylenol/benadryl (small amounts)
Antibiotic ointment, hydrocortizone cream
note pad, pen and black sharpie (need to replace pen & pad with waterproof versions!!!)
4 emergency foil blanket
quick clot
Hydrogen peroxide
Alcohol wipes
mole skin (great for blisters)
Needle (sterile) & thread
couple tubes of super glue
Tampons & panty liners (weird yes, but if your gushing blood these will soak it all up, trying to save people here lol)
Couple of pocket masks
flash lights both small & large
I don't carry around a full on needles or cutting tools/utincles as I don't feel 100% comfortable with them. Just what I think may help me or others when the time comes! I think I've got a pretty prepared kit for around 150 bucks or so.
I also have my survival back thats in my jeep whenever I am! Its good practice to have one..some call it a BOB (bug out bag), 72 hour bag ect. Mines my survival back.
Paracord, a Gerber LMF II (knife), flash lights & head lamp, foil emergency blankets, 1 spare set of cloths (shocks, sweats, long sleeve, socks), MRE's, & 3 20oz bottles of water, wire cutters, signal mirror, 2 fire starters (small so they aren't to spacious) matches wrapped in serran wrap, cotton balls (fire tender if needed), whistle, bar of soap, small fishing box (maybe 4x6"..holds 2 different sized line, lures, flys, cast master/rooster tail), philips & flat screw drivers, pocket knife multi-tool, few zip lock waterproof bags, chapstick in a little zip lock bag incase it melts, snare wire, compass, iodine tabs & a canteen, small sealed bottle of bleach. Nitride gloves (hand warmers..these make you sweat lol, can also carry water)
I'm still building my survival bag..so if anyone has ideas? I was thinking maybe a small hatchet..or larger knife that can be used in that fashion?
You can also get together a recovery kit. Straps, 2 pair of thick gloves, road flares, d-rings, snatch block, maybe one of those small military folding shovels, reflextive tape & road signs, couple flash lights. I also keep this stuff under my rear seat..its all pretty need in a small durable bag.
I would start on the fire extinguisher, first aid & recovery! I would then look into the floors & make sure the are sound & rust proof them! Gotta have a good base before you can upgrade:wings: