No wrong way to do it, as long as it works for you.
For San Diego, I group all the repeaters on each major mountain top into a contiguous block [Otay, Laguna, Palomar], and then each local area into another bock [East County, North County]. Those all fit in memory space 0-99. Then I have the entire So. Cal. band plan simplex frequencies into another block, GMRS/FRS, MURS, grouped together starting at 100-199. Then I have repeaters programmed for areas that I travel to starting at 200-300. I also have State, Federal and other agencies starting at 300-400.
This makes sense to me because I can program everything into the radio, but when I scan, I can choose a "bank" to scan, and even link the "banks" for scanning purposes.
It works great for me! :sombrero: