Chassis Ground with tray camper


New member
I had a quick look so see if anything has been talk about this but I didn't see anything.

I have a tray camper on a aluminum deck just wondering what everyone is doing for a chassis ground?

Thanks for the advise


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Well-known member
I have an isolated house battery system where all the grounds run through a shunt, then back to the truck battery, that way I get a better sense of the state of charge of the house battery and avoid potential gremlins from chassis grounds coming loose or breaking.
That means running duplex wire, which obviously costs more, but the labor is the same and the results are more reliable.
Otherwise, find your biggest battery cable and use a similar size to bridge your flatbed and the frame, you should be good. You might do well to tap the holes for both ends, use as fine a tap as you have patience for--
more threads= more surface area= better ground.


New member
I have an isolated house battery system where all the grounds run through a shunt, then back to the truck battery, that way I get a better sense of the state of charge of the house battery and avoid potential gremlins from chassis grounds coming loose or breaking.
That means running duplex wire, which obviously costs more, but the labor is the same and the results are more reliable.
Otherwise, find your biggest battery cable and use a similar size to bridge your flatbed and the frame, you should be good. You might do well to tap the holes for both ends, use as fine a tap as you have patience for--
more threads= more surface area= better ground.

So far that was my plan was to ground my house system to the truck frame.


I would avoid utilizing the aluminum tray for any grounds. Likely a large ground to frame to a ground buss or breaker/fuse panel in the camper.

I would still suggest grounding the tray to the chassis. But that might be a question best directed to the MFG of the tray itself.

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