SE Expedition Society
Yeah, no perfect battery. Yet.
Nice, junkyard toys - Love it!
old LED christmas lights - if they are 5v or so cut the battery pack off and put a USB plug on the end and you can run them off the 12v-USB cigarette lighter converter you use to charge your phone and GPS....
I use tyvek for ground cloths and sun shades. It is a little noisy the first trip, but after that it is really nice. Best part is I got the roll for free.
Camp cookware- Use old pots, pans, and silverware that your wife has destined for the donation bin or pick up a set someone else got rid of at a garage sale or secondhand store. Leave the fancy stuff to the raised pinky finger and backpacking crowd.
Recreation- I like to have a game or two when in camp vice out exploring so I rattle-canned a checkerboard on top of one of my large cases. I use bottle caps for checkers and picked up a set of chess pieces at a secondhand store. Two foot-long rebar sections or spare long steel tent stakes and some recovery shackles make a decent impromptu horseshoe set...
Camp lighting- Raid the discount bin after Halloween and Christmas for solar or battery powered strings of lights