
Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Is it smaller than you were expecting?

I am doing an interview today...two camera set-up, one is my D7000 and one is a Canon 5DmkII. We'll see how the color/look of each camera matches up to the other one.

I got the Sennheiser hot-shoe mic as well. I had forgotten how expensive the higher capacity SD cards are. Ouch!

I am curious to see what you think of it.

No, it's about what I thought in terms of size. I was surprised by the build, feels really solid for a camera aimed at advanced amateurs. The viewfinder is quite nice too. I was expecting a drop going from the big bright view on the D700 but it's actually quite nice, not quite full frame, but certainly very very good. I'll give more thoughts when I get more play time, in the mean time what are your thoughts?

A stereo mic is next on the list. So far the only thing I've added is a RRS plate.



Expedition Leader
Engagement shots -

This isn't really video but I think it's a good example of being creative. My wife made this of some friends who recently engaged. It was all shot with our D90 and 35mm f/1.8, the video was made with iMovie. We don't have much (or any really) experience with iMovie so we were happy with the results.

I hope you enjoy!

Ron B

this will be a fun thread to watch as I have just used a dslr for the first time as the main camera on a pilot (I am a camera/steadicam operator in LA). It's hard going from the bigger more user friendly (and more massive) production cameras to the dslr but they have their place and perform well, especially in darker locations. Viewfinding, focusing and the darn finicky hdmi connector were the major battles.

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