Classic awful mechanic making it hard for the good ones

Ruffin' It

Bearden Automotive in Austin, TX. I'd strongly suggest avoiding them.

I bought my Cruiser from someone in Austin knowing the Birfs needed to be done. I arranged to have the full service done at Beardon, flew out, picked up the Cruiser and dropped it off with them. They told me 2 days. After two days came and went, they told me 5 days. Not being in a position take anymore time off, I bought a next day plane ticket back to Los Angeles, arranged to pay my friend to drive it out and bought him and his wife return plane tickets.

Well, it turns out that they charged me well over $1,100, but never did anything other than replacing the cheap wiper seals at the back of the knuckles. Now, since I have been driving it for so long with no grease in the knuckles, everything is destroyed and needs to be replaced. Knuckles, bearings, seals, ... everything.

Another $2,000+ bucks down the drain on a non-profit salary right before Christmas. Adding insult to injury, this is the money I had set aside to move to Oregon in the next few months to get a better job.


At least I live near TLC and know it will get done right this time.
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TLC, Specter, and MAF are all close to you and do know cruisers. You will pay a price for that knowledge tho.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
This sucks dude, im so sorry to hear that they screwed you like that. Wonder how many other folks that may have never checked their rigs they could of taken for a ride. I would take them to small claims in a heart beat. Document the axle with photos before anyone does anything.

Ruffin' It

Yeah, it is at TLC right now. They caught the problem for me when I took it in for a "weird" noise. I know I'm in good hands now.

TLC, Specter, and MAF are all close to you and do know cruisers. You will pay a price for that knowledge tho.

Ruffin' It

Yeah, I'm having them save all the parts. I'm sure I'm going to end up in court over this.


This sucks dude, im so sorry to hear that they screwed you like that. Wonder how many other folks that may have never checked their rigs they could of taken for a ride. I would take them to small claims in a heart beat. Document the axle with photos before anyone does anything.


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
Nasty letters may save you some legal costs... Only costs a couple bucks to send a certified well written letter with intent to sue to recover your lost money.. That really sucks...

Ruffin' It

I'm lucky enough to have a father who is a trial attorney. I'm hitting him up for a letter. Hopefully they'll realize it isn't worth the fight.

Nasty letters may save you some legal costs... Only costs a couple bucks to send a certified well written letter with intent to sue to recover your lost money.. That really sucks...


Beardon Automotive in Austin, TX. I'd strongly suggest avoiding them.

I bought my Cruiser from someone in Austin knowing the Birfs needed to be done. I arranged to have the full service done at Beardon, flew out, picked up the Cruiser and dropped it off with them. They told me 2 days. After two days came and went, they told me 5 days. Not being in a position take anymore time off, I bought a next day plane ticket back to Los Angeles, arranged to pay my friend to drive it out and bought him and his wife return plane tickets.

Well, it turns out that they charged me well over $1,100, but never did anything other than replacing the cheap wiper seals at the back of the knuckles. Now, since I have been driving it for so long with no grease in the knuckles, everything is destroyed and needs to be replaced. Knuckles, bearings, seals, ... everything.

Another $2,000+ bucks down the drain on a non-profit salary right before Christmas. Adding insult to injury, this is the money I had set aside to move to Oregon in the next few months to get a better job.


At least I live near TLC and know it will get done right this time.

Get your money back as well as all the extra plane tickets and logistics. That's unbelievable.

I agree, certified letter is the way to go.


Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Take them to court. Not sure how far you are willing to pursue it, but I always adopt the philosophy of making it cheaper for them to give you what you want then to fight you over it... of course I have given alot of money to lawyers at different times, but its on principle for me! :sombrero:

I'm a pretty easy customer to deal with, but once the line has been crossed, I will get my way, its just a question of how soon and how expensive it will be to get there! Hope this helps.

x3 on the certifiably nasty letter! :coffeedrink:


Expedition Leader
You might also contact the atty general in TX as they may have a consumer protection/fraud program that can help.

Ruffin' It

I'm the same way. I didn't even complain when it took 5 business days (7 total) to do a job they said would be done in 2. I didn't even mention the hundreds and hundreds of extra dollars it cost me because I trusted they had a good reason and I wasn't going to bust their chops for something out of their control. But,.... there comes a point....

I will pursue it until I am remebursed for all the repairs now needed and I feel they have learned their lesson and won't do this to some other poor sap who puts their trust in this place. It just isn't right.

Thanks everyone for listening to me whine. I think I would have had a full-scale fit if I didn't have people who get it to complain too.

Take them to court. Not sure how far you are willing to pursue it, but I always adopt the philosophy of making it cheaper for them to give you what you want then to fight you over it... of course I have given alot of money to lawyers at different times, but its on principle for me! :sombrero:

I'm a pretty easy customer to deal with, but once the line has been crossed, I will get my way, its just a question of how soon and how expensive it will be to get there! Hope this helps.

x3 on the certifiably nasty letter! :coffeedrink:

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
Sorry this happened. Hope you can get ALL your expense money back PLUS the additional cost to re-repair the damage caused by their negligence.

Customer service is getting hard to come by...

Ruffin' It

And the hits just keep on comin'

So it seems Beardon DID open up the knuckles as instead of using the cone washer that is supposed to go in the spindle, they used a VW lug nut. They just neglected to do any actual repair OR put any grease whatsoever in the knuckles. WOW!

The steering links were also hand tight and ready to fall off.

Good thing I took it in BEFORE Big Bear.
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