I'm not normally a truck bed trailer fan but THAT is awesome, well done! I've thought about it and went with replacing the entire leg. I ordered 1-3/4 for the upper sections and 1-1/2 for the lower (telescoping tubing so I know they will fit). I also ordered my actuators today too so hopefully in the next few weeks when work quiets down a bit I'll be doing some cutting! The upper square of the rack is 1-1/2 so I'll leave 6" or so of the legs attached to it, cut the existing gussets off, sleeve it into the new upper portion of the leg, plug weld it, weld around the top and replace the gussets with new ones. Once that's done I'll attach the actuators and hopefully I'll be all set. I'm adding shocks as well so this is going to handle like a completely different trailer when I'm done, cant wait to get it out and see how much more stable it is.