hey guys, i have been having a problem with my clutch and engaging differently everyday. i brought it to my mechanic because i had to go on vacation. I left it over the weekend told him i thought there was air in the lines. I come back to pick it up he tells me the top bolt to hold the slave cylinder in was completely stripped. so he replaced the bolt. and the clutch was perfect.That was about 4 days ago. we had our first big snow today(long island NY) and i figured i would drive it around a bit. that clutch had sunk all the way down and engaged at the very very bottom. i let it sit for about an hour and it seemed worse. started it up in gear and it pulled the truck a bit when started up, i had the clutch all the way down. i had almost NO clutch at all i could only shift gears if i really pushed into the the clutch very quickly and hard. i drove home like this. i pull into my driveway and all throw it into reverse, all of the sudden the clutch went back to normal. what the hell happened?! i checked the fluid it is fine. i check the slave bolts again and they are fine. i dont know what it could be. i know almost nothing about this type of thing. please help.