Co-opski’s Last Frontier Build


New member
Question about your tires and suspension

What a great looking truck! I am just wondering how much of a lift you have on it to fit those tires? I would like to get some 235/85r16 on my 2003 frontier and am trying to figure out if i can do it.


Expedition Leader
Ridesnow~ I did not have to lift the truck to get the 235s under but I did have to do some major trimming of the plastic around the wheel well. I removed the front mud flaps and trimmed the plastic. I did raise the front t-bars up 1" so it was not as "raked" after I put on the OME Heavy leaf packs in the rear that raised it up 2.5". As it sits now I would say it is 3/4 to 1 inch taller than a stock rig. I sold some parts to a gentleman that had an identical truck and mine was not much taller. I'll try to get some pictures up for you of the front tires. Until then here is some from last week when some of my friends that came up and I got to play tour guide for a week. :elkgrin:

and here is the truck with some Blitz cans that I just sold off.


Expedition Leader
I've added a RAM mount and hardwire for my Garmin 60CSX and a Scanguage II since my last up date. Time to swap on the Hakka lt10s and on Friday I'm going into Team Lance Garage in Eagle River for new valve cover gaskets and some other things to tiddy up under the hood. Also picked up some Moment Comi 186s for the Thule ski box for this winter season.

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Expedition Leader
Most of my backcountry tours have been on skis this winter, hitting the usual places on the Kenai Peninsula and with one trip up to Hatchers Pass. The trucks been running great and putting on lots of miles as a TAV. Lou Dawson from Wild Snow coined this term when he built up his taco the Trailhead Approach Vehicle (TAV) for backcountry skiing.

With all these miles (160k) my center carrier bearing is starting to go out on the two-piece drive shaft that the 2000 Frontiers had. This is giving me a little vibration when accelerating. I have sourced a single-piece driveshaft that Nissan replaced the two-piece ones with from a 2002 Frontier. I just got the new u-joints: Spicer 1310s from Young’s Driveshaft in Anchorage. This will be a good spring project.


Expedition Leader

driveway poser shots.

Summer tires ready for the May 1st deadline.

The cabin and the new driveshaft

Spicer/Dana U-joints

Testing the snowpack at Turnagain Pass with an extended column test.

Sorry for the big pictures I'll resize soon.


Looks good...jealous, that cabin is an ideal place to live. Whats all that white fluffy stuff youre shovleing out? ;)
You doing any interior mods to the truck?
Curious how she handles with the new springs. I have an '01 4 door 4x2. We recently moved to AZ, and the wind can be a bit brisk. I notice with the camper shell and the canoe on top I get pushed around allot. Its all stock with a set of Ranchos and slightly smaller tires.

BTW I can get 21 mpg if I drive like an old lady. then again w/ no front axle and transfer case I'm about 500 lbs. lighter!

Nice truck keep up the pics. I wanted a 2000, I like the body style better w/ out all the plastic.


Expedition Leader
How it handles? Like a Sherman Tank. The OME heavies, cranked torsion bars and Load E 10ply tires don't help. It does well loaded down with min 200lbs with this set up. I do get pushed around with some of the Chinook Winds on Turnagain Arm if they are gusting 70-80mph with 40-50mph sustained. I know it is gusting hard if the windshield wipers start lifting up. I have recorded on my Scangauge; 30 MPG driving with the storm and 9MPG against it. :smiley_drive:

Looks good...jealous, that cabin is an ideal place to live. Whats all that white fluffy stuff youre shovleing out?
You doing any interior mods to the truck?

I put a lot of work into the cabin just as a renter. Two years without water is getting to me. I find myself running my hands under warm water at places that have indoor plumbing. I know skinkin' ski bums.

Funny you ask about interior mods. I just have a Scanguage mounted on the steering column and a Garmin 60CSx mounted with a Ram cradle by the shifter and a Pendleton wool blanket in the back seat. I have been looking at getting new seats (that are less ratty), Husky Liners, and a new locking center counsel. I'll keep this updated.
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Expedition Leader
The drive shaft went in without a problem in the driveway with plenty of clearance of the cross member once the carrier bearing was out. No vibration issues, no more clunks when accelerating and an overall tighter feeling in the drive train. I would recommend this mod to any Crew Cab Short Bed Frontier owner with a two piece drive shaft, get rid of that carrier bearing once and for all like Nissan did in 2002.

Now I'm on to the loose steering that these trucks are known for.
I did not want to go with the Calmini system as it moves further away from stock than I would like the King Kong system from Total Chaos would be over kill but looks very nice if you have the funds and the coveted Spencer Low Racing (SLR) are not in production and very rare to find one used. So I went with fixing what I had with some burly aftermarket parts from some smaller Nissan suppliers.
I have some bronze idler arm bushings in the mail from Bandit 4x4( ) to replace the worn originals. Also in transit is a Total Chaos idler arm brace and once I pull the center link off the one in the junk yard for the core charge I will have a HooHaa Grassroots 4x4 center link ( Tying it all together will be some AC HD tie rod adjusters and Moog tie rod ends ES3660 inner and ES 3661 Outer.
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Expedition Leader
Bandit 4x4 bushings and the Total Chaos idler arm brace are here. Problem is I just picked up a cedar strip canoe from a master boat builder from Osseo Minnesota and I'm playing with that on the lakes instead of working on the truck. It looks good on the truck BTW. I have not told the misses yet she is off working in the field all summer, but she did hint that if I got a boat she would like a canoe. On the water Trip reports to come soon. :ylsmoke:

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