Cold weather Diesel starting.

David Harris

Expedition Leader
When I was a kid in Crested Butte, Colorado, it would get down to around -40 sometimes. My dad would put a couple of work lights under the hood, close it, then throw a sleeping bag over the whole thing. Would start right up every time. That was with a carburetor as well.

If I were running a diesel in the cold all the time I would install an Espar heater or the like with a timer set to have the engine and interior warmed up whenever I wanted to leave each morning.


Battery's a one year old Optima yellow top

That is your problem. FWIW, I don't think my glow plugs worked in my 300 Tdi 110, and I never had any issues starting it in cold weather. It would run a little rough at first, but always started.


Judging by all the previous comments - IT'S THE FUEL. And if there is any bio-diesel mixed in with the diesel, its virtually guaranteed to be gelled. Dump almost a full bottle of diesel 9-1-1 in the tank and let it sit for a bit, add a little to the fuel filter, and after the battery is recharged, crank it. Plan on adding some quality anti-gel to the tank, double the dose for a couple of tanks. And get a block heater on that thing if you don't have one.


Climbing Nerd
Well in the it was that my fridge drained my battery down. I left it with out starting for two days.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
The first cold snap of the season is always a good test of the electrical and fuel systems. Better to figure it out in the driveway than somewhere else!

I have a block heater and battery maintainer and will plug them both in when it is really cold. I also have a fancy remote start system that I can set to start the vehicle every couple of hours if I am somewhere really cold and can't plug in.


Not all states require fueling stations to offer winter diesel. Sometimes stations will buy regular diesel and sell it at winter diesel prices. A small bottle of additive is a cheap peace of mind! This comes from living in places like Grand Forks ND, Laramie WY, Lots of MT and now Oregon. I have had to help a lot of people who bought only "winter diesel".

As I stated, its pretty standard where it gets cold enough.

From your list it was pretty easy to find #1 or winter blend....

Grand Forks ND
Vehicle Services

- CAT Scales
- Plenty of Parking
- Covered Fuel Islands
- 5% Bio Diesel
- 10% Bio Diesel
- Yukon Fuel
- #1 Fuel Winter Months
- Blended Fuel - 50 #1 & 50 #2 Winter Months
- 10% Bio Diesel Summer Months
- Bio Diesel Summer Months
- #2 Diesel Year Round
- Yukon Fuel Year Round

Laramie WY

DEF Island Fueling
Winterized Diesel (NOV-MAR)
Unleaded Gasoline

Butte MT
Which Diesel Should I Buy?

Town Pump offers a wide variety of diesel fuels and additives, so you can choose the right fuel to use according to outside temperatures.
Almost every Town Pump (Pilot/Flying J) Travel Plazas offers Summer and Winter #2, 50/50 blend, #1 and off-road red dyed diesels.

BTW, there are a total of 12 FlyingJ/Pilot stations in the state of MT alone.
And Im sure that there are more than just FlyingJ stations in MT with winter diesel.


The first cold snap of the season is always a good test of the electrical and fuel systems. Better to figure it out in the driveway than somewhere else!

For sure!

My routine with our fleet includes checking water level, load testing, equalization, and a desulfate service to every vehicle battery.

And the rigs that are not driven at least once a week get battery maintainers. All are wired up with pigtails and anderson connectors to hook up the battery charger(s) without popping the hood.

Ive found that it more than triples the life of batteries, even around here where we get such harsh winters.


New member
So we just go hit with our first really cold weather and of course today I can't get

Have you check your spake plug ?? it is actually happened when the current don't pass. clearly.

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