Coleman Columbia Pop Up Build


"Honey, have you seen the sawzall?" :D



Well this signifies the beginning of a long build. I debated about posting up before I really got started, but what the heck, might as well share the love :)

It's an '85 Coleman Columbia. Filthy, with rotten canvas, but otherwise solid. Not a single leak and all systems work perfect...well aside from the propane stove which the regulator was so funky I didn't want to hook a bottle up to.

General goal is to build something that will stand up to relatively harsh roads, carry provisions and gear for a family of 4, and provide a few creature comforts such as heat for the winter. So, it begins....

First order of business is to clean it up, get some canvas ordered, and map out the new frame. Tires will probably be 31" tall (the ones in the pic are 285/75/16, a little larger than necessary). Then it's on to some beautifying...cause you gotta represent expo style.

Got some fun ideas planned. Stay tuned...

Finally, just so we all remember where we came from...




Expedition Leader
Have you seen the Colorado build at Mud? in the Trailer section.

Since seeing the above thread i'v thought of something like this, and theres a few available somewhat locally. Look forward to your build..


Have you seen the Colorado build at Mud? in the Trailer section.

Since seeing the above thread i'v thought of something like this, and theres a few available somewhat locally. Look forward to your build..

One of the many builds that provided the inspiration.

The colorado is one of Coleman's neatest designs IMO. I wanted a little more room for the family so I looked for something a little larger. Not "big"...just a little bigger than the colorado.

BTW, that one is for sale and it's nice!


I just bought the exact trailer to do exactly the same thing. I can't wait to see how it goes. Good luck.

They say great minds think alike...or is it the mentally discouraged...anyway, love to see your build as well. Keep us posted.


I had originally planned on junking the factory frame and axle, replacing it with a more beefy design. However, I'm second guessing that plan after really checking out how Coleman designed this thing. The lift mechanism and the wiring all integrate in and around the frame. Also, the aluminum side panels actually wrap around the frame and are screwed in from underneath. It looks like it would be a major ordeal. I know some of the other brands were more like a box that just sat on the frame, this isn't really that way. It seems like a good overall build quality and design (obviously having held up so well for 25 years) but could be a nightmare to retrofit an entirely new frame to.

So, I am contemplating designing a frame with the intent of going under the existing. Basically, set the old frame sans axle on top of a stiffer and longer new frame, sans old tongue of course. It's extra weight, but the old frame, while boxed tube, is still pretty lightweight. Considering adding tabs to the old frame that allow it to just be bolted to the new. Not exactly my original concept, but considering it.

It's possible I may build an entirely new body in the future and use the mechanisms and canvas from this one. For now, I'd get up and going faster with the above plan.


I wouldnt guess that you'd be taking too much additional weight by keeping the old frame vs ditching it... So i'm guessing you plan to run the tires outboard? If that's the case, you might as well stretch the frame (or add additional framing) to the outer sides of the camper as well, which would provide storage spaces for jerry cans, ammo cans, etc...


No way I'd run the tires outboard. It's too wide as is :)

I think it's doable and the light gauge stock frame really isn't adding too much weight. It'll simplify things considerably so I imagine that's what I will do.

As for additional storage, I've toyed with the idea of doing some on the rear. We'll see as things progress.


ive always wondered houw you could put a bigger wheel on a small pop up with a side door. Coleman colorados are just getting too hard to find on the east coast. After i get the m416 done for wheeling ill try to convince the wife into letting me get one of these for just camping :)


Dang Paul, Ive been scouring Craigslist for a week now after reading a few threads on here, and NOW YOU start this buildup, and showing pictures of one sitting in YOUR yard! YOU SUCK! But I cant wait to see more! Too bad you cant make the trip next weekend. Ill make sure and take plenty of pictures for you!


LOL well what can I say? I'm just lucky that way.

I hope I can get this thing ready for a trip by the end of the summer. Hated I couldn't make next weekend. Too much happening the next two months. I'm hoping things settle down after that. I'll be lucky to even make a day trip to Barnwell in May.

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