After many years of research and planning, I recently completed my "Big Adventure", two weeks of camping and wheeling in Colorado and Utah. We left from Memphis Friday the 21st of August after work and proceeded to drive all night and most of the next day to Green Mountain Falls, CO. We had arranged to stay with friends that night to recover from the drive before hitting the trails. As we neared Colorado, we noticed some funny noises coming from one of the rear brakes and also noticed that it was dragging. We found that the caliper pins for the rear disks were bent and causing the calipers to bind. We were able to fix the issue at the friends house. Sunday morning, we proceeded to the Buena Vista area and ran the Mt. Princeton Trail and then starting up Tincup Pass and camping just below the actual pass at about 11,500 ft ASL. It rained some that night and was pretty cold. We got up at abut 4AM to make a nature call and the clouds had cleared and the stars were out in full force and just amazing.
Top of Mt. Princeton trail
Campsite on Tincup Pass
Top of Mt. Princeton trail
Campsite on Tincup Pass
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