Colossal 2015 - B.C. Canada


one trail at a time
Sounds like things are getting juicy between you two. Maybe you can visit new York city together. Surely that would be a great massive tour. Be sure to share your photos and experience here with the rest of us so we can all take that tour when we have free time. And share with us something about yourself. Such as what vehicles will you be traveling in and where you are from, and is a green card needed to travel to such massive places?

sorry O.P :)


ROTF Bushcoat - can't stop! Ok - back to the topic at hand. I will use this thread for my northern trip expedition for sure.


Sounds like things are getting juicy between you two. Maybe you can visit new York city together. Surely that would be a great massive tour. Be sure to share your photos and experience here with the rest of us so we can all take that tour when we have free time. And share with us something about yourself. Such as what vehicles will you be traveling in and where you are from, and is a green card needed to travel to such massive places?

sorry O.P :)

LOL no offense taken!

WOW! That is amazing, I really need to take a long drive further North some day.

ROTF Bushcoat - can't stop! Ok - back to the topic at hand. I will use this thread for my northern trip expedition for sure.

Thanks guys, I've only scratched the surface...

no heros

New member
Wow fantastic post/s. I am on the other side of the rocky's, and have done a lot of exploring on this side - I can appreciate the feeling of feeling insignificant.

Thanks for the great pictures, and handily-worded writeup. Thanks for also showing discretion on locations, as a BC/Canadian resident I appreciate spots that are worth finding!
Awesome trip report!! I want to ask what roads and other details, but like the last poster, half the fun is finding these places!! I have an idea on the cabin location.

Specs on the little green tacoma?? Saw it rolling around Nelson right around the time of this trip and immediately thought "wonder if he's on ExPo or Untitled(was cruising that site while I was working north of Calgary last year.Did a shake night at peters lol)


Great write up and pictures, now I'm pissed that I turned around at the wash out while out exploring that area


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