"Combination" guns


That's really cool. But, why in the world did they carry it in space????

As stated, it was a survival tool after returning to earth. For a very long time the Soviets didn't allow aircrew to have any weapons in their survival kits: A pilot crashed in the tundra, survived for several days and kept a diary stating how he was starving to death with small animals around. And no way to catch/kill them.

It's interesting that they can't come up with more ammo for this. How hard would it be to knock out a few thousand rounds?


A side-by-side shotgun with a rifle barrel underneath is called a "drilling." I believe I read somewhere that combination rifle and shotguns were created partially due to restrictions on how many guns a person could own.

thanks. expanding search criteria to "drilling" brought back a lot more hits than combination gun.
Seems like popularity in Europe may have been also due to different hunting practices and laws which permited taking, for example, both small game and fowel in the same areas and season.

good forum for the discussion of combination guns and drillings; learned more here than other sites or forums:

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I carried a .357 Max, 410 Savage 24 with Marine grade finish and fiberglass stock in my Blazer for years. Not a stock item but one I cobbled together from two Savage 24's.
When I had disposable income I tried to get an example of every combo. Too many!


I actualy had 2 of the savage 24, one .22 over 20ga. I have carried it on several qauil hunting trips and did well. The other is a 30-30 over 12 ga, I have only shot a couple rounds out of it. I ended up selling them after not shooting them often enough and have regretted it ever since.
I do still have one of the original M6 scouts from the '70s that I have carried for years, I like it but it is more of a tool that never gets used, I have been considering a single shot shotgun and a .22 ruger pistol as my new "survival" guns and putting my M6 on gunbroker to see what it would sell for.



I have the .22 Hornet/.410. What do you mean by tube magazines. Mine is a single shot.

Lichen, Sorry I completely missed your post. I made some extra round storage tubes out of aluminum arrow shafts. I can store 28 additional rounds along side the barrel.


Now THAT is a cool idea! Must rattle like crazy after using a few rounds though. Is there any sort of follower?

I've been using a Catch 22 in my pocket for a few extra rounds...


No rattle at all actually, I used a new replacement pencil eraser for dampening. I run the shaft in the area between the barrels and tapered the end to "lock" into the front sight if you will. Then two straps around the whole of the barrel acts as additional retention, similar to wrapping with paracord.


The combination guns are a good example of why the difference in practice and theory is greater in practice than it is in theory. Your needs may be different than mine of course.
I was never able to consistently place rounds on a target with the .22lr barrel on the 22lr/20ga Savage combo. I love the idea though. Got my hands on a drilling once. Beautiful weapon but very heavy.


I grew up hunting with uncles. Dad was never into it too busy farming. I was always given the 30-30 / 410 over under with 3 triggers. front was the safety, middle was the 410 and the rear was the 30-30. We would go moose hunting in northern Ontario, and I was always charged with dinner hunting with this gun. We would be there for a week so I would get a deer and whatever birds I could find and we would have meat for a week.

Once I came up on a grouse and accidently pulled the 30-30 instead of 410, everyone came running because they thought I got a white tail but all that was left was some feathers. I was the bunt of meny many jokes for many many years.

I don't know what make it was and the last time I used it I was 15 years old. My great uncle sold off a lot of his rifles and shot gun collection and it was one that went.

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