I lived with the Nature's Head for a year and a half. One couple who eat lots of fiber. The only issue I had (besides the price) was standing up to piss. The velocity when standing up to piss would overwhelm the setup even with the trap door shut. Then we had sewage, and a nasty clean out. Learned my lesson, pissed like a girl by sitting down from then on out, and no issues whatsoever beyond scale building up in the piss bottle. We used the coconut husks from Amazon, and dumped it about every 6 weeks. One pack of coconut lasted 4 charges. I tried peat moss, but liked the coconut coir better. The thing is still in my camper, and despite no use in two plus years with the fresh set of coconut in there and the fan running the entire time...it keeps humming along. Someone on here modified one so that you didn't have to deal with the piss bottle. That would be my preference. The piss bottle has a flat top, and likes to glug when poured out. Tried it slow, fast, etc. and never really liked dealing with it. Then you really never get all the piss and scale out since the top is flat, and the hole in the top is in the center. A simple tapered top, even a slight taper from the sides to the entry/exit hole would have helped immensely.