Officious Intermeddler
Re this matters little what you have if you cannot carry it without fear of an unreasonable possession prosecution.
So here’s one issue, where if we’re lucky, this ruling may catch on in other states:
Oregon Supreme Court Bans Police Officers From Asking Random Questions During Traffic Stops
“A recent ruling by the Oregon Supreme Court has banned a controversial policing practice: No longer can officers use a broken taillight or a failure to signal as a justification for scouting a driver’s car for illegal guns or drugs.
The ruling instructs officers to stick to questions “reasonably related” to the reason the driver was pulled over, effectively ending law enforcement’s ability to turn a routine traffic stop into a fishing expedition for a more serious offense.“*
Couple this ruling with the newer SCOTUS one saying LEO’s can’t unreasonably stall your roadside vehicle stop while they wait for another officer to arrive with a drug/gun sniffing dog and maybe some of our rights to travel freely in the U.S. without undue hassles are coming back a bit.
Much as many may feel we already have more than enough federal rules and regs and would like the feds to just butt out of their personal business, here’s one area where a uniform federal law would really be of help. To protect legal gun ownership these days, we need a strong federal law creating 50 state parity and reciprocity for CCW permit holders and other legal possessors of firearms.
It’s become way too ridiculously problematic to try to stay legal while traveling from state to state with all of the inconsistent and different and even punitive gun restriction laws impacting legal gun possessors. Oddly enough, in other situations, this type of an inconsistency in state laws has been ruled an unconstitutional infringement of the Interstate Commerce Clause. I’ve got no understanding as to why the NRA has never pushed for a lawsuit on this issue.
So here’s one issue, where if we’re lucky, this ruling may catch on in other states:
Oregon Supreme Court Bans Police Officers From Asking Random Questions During Traffic Stops
“A recent ruling by the Oregon Supreme Court has banned a controversial policing practice: No longer can officers use a broken taillight or a failure to signal as a justification for scouting a driver’s car for illegal guns or drugs.
The ruling instructs officers to stick to questions “reasonably related” to the reason the driver was pulled over, effectively ending law enforcement’s ability to turn a routine traffic stop into a fishing expedition for a more serious offense.“*
Couple this ruling with the newer SCOTUS one saying LEO’s can’t unreasonably stall your roadside vehicle stop while they wait for another officer to arrive with a drug/gun sniffing dog and maybe some of our rights to travel freely in the U.S. without undue hassles are coming back a bit.
Much as many may feel we already have more than enough federal rules and regs and would like the feds to just butt out of their personal business, here’s one area where a uniform federal law would really be of help. To protect legal gun ownership these days, we need a strong federal law creating 50 state parity and reciprocity for CCW permit holders and other legal possessors of firearms.
It’s become way too ridiculously problematic to try to stay legal while traveling from state to state with all of the inconsistent and different and even punitive gun restriction laws impacting legal gun possessors. Oddly enough, in other situations, this type of an inconsistency in state laws has been ruled an unconstitutional infringement of the Interstate Commerce Clause. I’ve got no understanding as to why the NRA has never pushed for a lawsuit on this issue.
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