Concealed Carry - What Have You Got?


Well-known member
GLOCK 22 minus the light and an Esee 3, my favorite knife maker and best warranty in the buisness. #Merica

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Up until I retired awhile ago, a G18 on my strong side and a G26 on my support wide. After I retired I run a G19 on my strong side with the G26 on the other. A G19 mag for a spare, a Strider BT worn upside down on my belt (works good, with an additional safety strap for retention), a CRKT M16-14 (strong side) with an American Kami custom (support side) for daily chores. And a Pat Rodgers challenge coin.

did you really carry a G18? because i had the chance to shoot one and it was awesome. Curious what line of work one would be in to get away with something like that.

I alternate between a Les Baer TRS when I'm going into the city or real rural, but otherwise it's a Shield PC 9mm in the suburbs. That one has a TLR 6 on it. Both live in custom OWB leather.


Well-known member
I now carry a Springfield XDS 4" in .45ACP. A Glock 23 Gen 3 is my car gun. I've had the Glock for a long time and it's a dream to shoot. The XDS I've had for about a year and it's okay - took some break-in whereas my Glock was ready to rock right out of the box. And the XDS is pretty punishing on the hands, and unforgiving when you get tired - I've had it fail to return to battery if I get lazy with my grip. The Glock has only ever failed me with cheap ammo with aluminum casings - never again will I make that mistake!


I don't like daily carrying with belt or iwb holsters so in recent years, I moved from what used to be a back-up gun when I was a cop, geez, 40 years ago now, a .25 Beretta 950BS to the Ruger LCP in a Bob Mika pocket holster. However, I've carried, over the years, a Colt Detective special, a S&W 441, a Glock 26, a Kimber CCP, a Kahr PM9 (that's a great CCW), and a full size 1911. Where I live, how I live, and where I travel, I'm good with the LCP and the hollowpoints I load it with.


Viking with a Hammer
Glock 23.3, Warren Sevigny Comp sights, SS guide rod, 3.5, some minor trigger work and frame fitting.
Crossbreed SuperTuck. Ares Ins belt, or Bigfoot Belt.

NIGHT: Glock 23.4, Warren Tac plain black rear sight, Warren Tac tritium front, magwell (bonded), Surefire XC1, minor frame fitting.
Raven Concealment OWB, Bigfoot Belt.

Winter is similar to the Night setup, but G41 or G34.4. I love my 1911, but it's obsolete, unless I want it's redundant safeties, then it's viable.


New member
Glock always...17, 19, 26, 22, 23, 35, 27, 20, 21. No need for backup but I do carry NA .22 mag in the Summer and on occasion Ruger LCP and LCR in 38 spl 3".


I don't like daily carrying with belt or iwb holsters so in recent years, I moved from what used to be a back-up gun when I was a cop, geez, 40 years ago now, a .25 Beretta 950BS to the Ruger LCP in a Bob Mika pocket holster. However, I've carried, over the years, a Colt Detective special, a S&W 441, a Glock 26, a Kimber CCP, a Kahr PM9 (that's a great CCW), and a full size 1911. Where I live, how I live, and where I travel, I'm good with the LCP and the hollowpoints I load it with.
I started pocket carrying a couple years back, I prefer to other ways of CC.
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No Sig love here??
My EDC is a 239 but if I want more firepower I'll take my 226 Mk 25. They both are an extension of my hand even though they are heavier than many Glocks..


If California ever gets the laws sorted out for concealed or open carry I can get interested! Right now there is too much swirl to bother with a permit and there are lots of new laws to add more swirl.

With all of the nice small frame firearms concealed carry is easier than ever. (Some day)





I never really liked Glocks either, right up to the point I shot my wifes 43


Beach Bum
I daily CCW a G43 with TT +2 extensions, looking forward to the 43x coming out next month, might finally get that bigger grip and few more rounds while keeping the same general size. I have a G42 for pocket carry when around the house and neighborhood. I carry it in a sticky pocket holster when walking the dogs.


I have both a 19x and a G45 that I am currently having milled for RMR's, they will split CCW duty with the G43 depending on destination and dress.


For the nightstand I have a FN 509 Tactical. I love this gun and I am considering eventually carrying it for my CCW over the Glocks, but that's a long way off at the moment. I should have a second in black on its way any day now. I'll run the tan one in classes and the black one for the night stand duty.



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